40 - James | The terrifying headmistress

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My brows drew together as I chewed on my lip and thought. Is she okay? Truth be told—I did not know. Angel Ada was certain she'd escape within the hour, insisting that there was nothing to worry about. It's been three hours. Andrew gazed at me, his large, midnight eyes pooling darkly with worry.

'I'm sure she's okay,' I said softly, 'Angels are much stronger than demons are; they cannot harm her.'

'But they took her...'

A soft knock on the door interrupted him as Angel Ada slipped in, followed closely by a girl with long scarlet hair.

'I'm Georgie,' the girl said quietly, her voice barely discernible. Her name sounded familiar; I remembered her as the friend Marie had mentioned.

'I don't understand how this could've happened.' Her face was pale with worry and she looked like she had been crying. 'We had a stupid fight because I wanted to help her, but the truth is, Marie is the most powerful angel I know.'

'It's my fault.' The realization hit me slowly. The corsage on her wrist—the same one I had given her. Dark, demon magic. 'Danyel used me to perform some sorcery that would make her weaker,' I admitted. I don't know how he did it. I don't know how he knew.

Ada shook her head. 'Sorcery or no, she wouldn't find much difficulty in overpowering it; especially being a twin. It could have weakened her temporarily—but an hour or two at most.'

I frowned in confusion. 'I really thought Marie would have escaped by now. I know angels are more powerful—by any means. And Marie's enhanced powers would surpass those of Satan himself. Can she not open a gateway to heaven from there?'

'She should be able to from anywhere. But, we cannot summon her ourselves.' Ada paused, frowning. 'James, we might need to send some help.'

'I can go,' I immediately replied. On the one hand, I was glad that Angel Ada was deciding to take some action. But on the other, the fact that she felt there was enough reason to worry absolutely terrified me.

'I know the place like the back of my hand,' I continued, 'Our powers will be more stabilized the closer we are to each other. We'll likely be stronger than every demon in hell put together, despite any sorcery or demon magic.'

'You are in the unique position of being capable of opening a portal into hell,' Ada agreed, 'You've still retained your demonic powers, I believe?'

I nodded. I wouldn't tap into them—but I could feel them lurking beneath the surface. Persuasion and Hell-fire. Except they were now in my control and not the other way around.

Angel Ada clapped her hands. 'Then it's settled. You can set off once you drop Andrew back home.' She turned to Andrew who had been quiet all this time. He was still staring at me with his huge dark eyes, chewing nervously on his bottom lip. 'I daresay he can get her and be out of there in an hour,' Ada told him kindly, 'Nothing to worry about.'

'Yes,' I agreed, trying to put his mind at ease, 'She's likely busy enjoying herself torturing the demons, but I'll go hurry her along.'

Angel Ada's mirthful chuckle easily broke the tension in the room. 'I wouldn't put it past her! She's incorrigible really; I had a difficult time as Headmistress while Angel Marienne was in school.'

'Wait, you're the terrifying headmistress?' I asked, shocked out of my core. This sweet lady with the bright, twinkling eyes was nothing like the strict, angry Headmistress who Marie had described.

'I suppose I must seem rather terrifying to the naughty students!' Headmistress Ada giggled, her rosy cheeks beaming. 'I've certainly had to pull her up more than once. Actually, one time—she set fire to my cloak!'

Georgie burst out laughing at the memory. 'Bring her back soon, James!' she said, 'I miss her!'

'I will,' I promised. 'I'll be back soon.'

'See you both soon,' Andrew added, waving to the angels as I summoned a soft breeze to take him back to Earth.

'Hopefully not too soon,' Georgie giggled, waving goodbye.

The gentle wind wrapped softly around the both of us, tinkling like silver bells. Andrew closed his eyes as we drifted down, feet finally planting on his bedroom floor.

'How are you feeling?' I asked as his eyes fluttered open.

Andrew hesitated. 'I'm okay....'

'Do you feel any dizziness? Nausea?' I asked worriedly, 'Did the traveling down make you feel sick?'

'No, nothing like that. I'm well-rested actually; physically I've never been better.'

'Then what is it?'

A stubborn look made its way on to Andrew's face as he pursed his lips and set his jaw.

'I'm coming with you.'

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