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Montpelier: Essex, St. Louis, Laffey you're alive?!

Essex: Well you see

And from there Essex explains the situation to them

Montpelier: I see *looks at Biloxi* so what's you name kid

Biloxi: Biloxi, The 6th Shipgirl of the Cleveland Class nice to meet you in personal, Sister

Montpelier: Nice to meet you 

St. Louis: So what are you doing here?

Montpelier: Well I was supposed to be on patrol as a sentry but you know no intruders so far so good

Essex: I was expecting you'll be Yorktown's right hand on protecting the city what happened?

Montpelier: Well I retired on being the knight of the sea

as she said this Biloxi's eyes widen including everyone who is watching in the secret camera

Biloxi: What do you mean retired?!

Montpelier: Your too loud let's past this bridge here then we could talk more

and from the Montpelier and the others passed the bridge and then suddenly someone block's there way

and from the Montpelier and the others passed the bridge and then suddenly someone block's there way

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It was Birmingham and it seems she was angry and doesn't notices the others except for Montpelier

Montpelier: Sup, Little sis?

Birmingham: You know what's Sup, Sister,  It's been eight days and you haven't... Recalibrated. Your. Traps! You just hang around outside you station! What if a intruder came?!

Montpelier: Sheesh sis calm down

Birmingham: No, Big Sis Montpelier! I'm not going to calm down because you are absolutely not doing anything, You LAZYBONES!!, All you do is sit and boondoggle!!, You get Lazier and Lazier Every day!!!

Montpelier: Hey Take it easy, I've got a ton of work done today, *closes her left eye* a skele-ton

Birmingham: SISTER!!!

Montpelier: Come on, I just saw you smile at my pun

Birmingham: I am and I hate it! *sighs* Why I'm the only one has to work hard to get a high ranking job

Montpelier: Wow, sounds like you are working yourself, *closes her left eye again* down to the bone

Birmingham: OH MY GOD, SISTER STOP! *suddenly notices Biloxi, Essex, St. Louis and Laffey* Wait a minute, Who are they big sis?

Montpelier: Oh This is Essex, Laffey, and St. Louis the shipgirls that died to end the First Siren-War while, Biloxi is your younger sister

Birmingham: Eh?!

Biloxi: Nice to meet you sister

Birmingham: N-Nice to meet you to Biloxi

and then the two handshake and then Birmingham spoke

Birmingham: Wait a minute don't me that they heard our

Montpelier: Yep they heard you saying I'm Lazy

Birmingham: Oh God I apologize for shouting without you guys noticing, Big sis is something Lazy and I always have to save her from getting into trouble

Essex: Don't worry about that but it was rather unexpected

Birmingham: Y-Yeah *Saw Montpelier is missing and notices Montpelier is leaving her* Where are you going again Big Sis?!

Montpelier: I have to fix something back at the house give them a tour for me will you

Birmingham: Hey wait a second- *Montpelier completely left* ARGHH BIG SIS YOU LAZYBONES!!!

and then the group chuckled at the scene and from there Birmingham apologizes to them once again and then she started to lead them to Snowdinville

To be continued

The Serenity/Broken Knight of the Seas(A Azur lane x Undertale Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now