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At the River of Snowdinville

We could see Birmingham and the others heading to the Water and Magma Village by using there riggings

Birmingham: Oh I forgot to mention one thing

Biloxi: What is it sister

Birmingham: Stay sharp when we enter the area where the Village is

Essex: Why?

and then they heard multiple Dragon noises

Birmingham: Them *points up her AA guns in her riggings as Skeleton dragons started to appear*

Birmingham: Them *points up her AA guns in her riggings as Skeleton dragons started to appear*

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(Imagine there wings have blue fire)

As Biloxi saw this her eyes widened including the one watching back at the base, especially Cleveland

Those are the same skeleton creature that killed her, Columbia and Denver but this time they have wings

As the others saw this they lighted up there AA guns as the dragons started to get close to them with some of the dragons firing laser beam at them, But the managed to dodge them since they at water

And then suddenly a Red Arrow hits one of the dragons causing it to fall on the water and the group turns around to see who is the one who fire the Red Arrows and Essex's eyes widen

It was Independence, Leader shipgirl class of Independence class Light Aircraft Carriers

It was Independence, Leader shipgirl class of Independence class Light Aircraft Carriers

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As Birmingham saw Independence she spoke

Birmingham: Teacher

Independence: I'll handle them, quickly head to the Village and Essex Help me launch planes to distract them

Essex: R-Right

Well back at the First Siren-Human War, Essex and Independence are Enterprise pupils and were trained to launch plane and use bows

But for Essex she stayed with the crossbow while Independence chose the bow like Enterprise

Even thou Essex had made many accomplishment during the war, she and her sisters sometimes returned injured while Independence and her sister only return with light damages due to the hull came from the Cleveland Class and Independence is good at making Strategies and lead many battles against the sirens with Enterprise at her side

When The war ended with many shipgirls dying, humans said that Independence was angry at them as they were being hunted like animals

as Essex and Independence launched there planes they started to head back to the village with the Villages AA guns attacking the dragons causing all of the Dragons to leave and ran away and with the planes returning to there Carrier shipgirls

As they entered the village Essex could see Houses build in Stone and metal with the shipgirls doing things like making AA bullets, AA guns, repairing damages and etc.

As this happens Independence spoke

Independence: I was Informed by Hornet that the humans are looking for us survivors?

Essex: Correct

Independence: I guess they learned there mistake when the sirens came back?

Essex: Yes

Independence: They are really Pathetic but nevertheless as long as they learned from there mistakes and prevent it from happening again, I'll lend my help

Essex: Very Well and by the way you and your 2 more sister are The Archer of the Seas?

Independence: Correct eversince Montpelier left her position as the Knight of the Sea leaving Birmingham who is still training. Yorktown made us the guards of this city along with a few more shipgirls incase intruders came

and then The two saw the others with Birmingham saluting at Independence

Birmingham: Reporting for duty Ma'am Independence

Independence: *Salutes* You to Birmingham

and then the two stopped saluting and Independence started to tour them around the village

To be continued

The Serenity/Broken Knight of the Seas(A Azur lane x Undertale Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now