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(There will be Another Chapter update after this so I could Make Hiei's story prologue and it is related to a future story that will appear next year)

As Cleveland is trying to find a way to save her sister from being controlled, she dodged the Gaster Blasters and Hounds that were trying to kill her and she also used her sword to deflect incoming projectiles that Montpelier is sending to her

As Tester Beta could see this is going nowhere she raised her hand and siren laser cannons appeared from portals and fired at where Cleveland is

With Lady Luck at Cleveland's side she managed to dodge all of them

Cleveland: Dammit I have to find a way to save Montpelier without hitting her

and then a idea pops out of Cleveland's mind and so she charged straight forward to Montpelier who is struggling to regain control of her whole body while Cleveland dodges the incoming attacks as she gets close to Montpelier

As she gets close to Montpelier she uses the hilt of her sword to hit Montpelier's neck in hopes of knocking her out and freeing Montpelier from being controlled in a few minutes so Cleveland could completely kill Tester Beta 

But as Cleveland was about to hit Montpelier to knock her out, Montpelier teleported behind Cleveland but Cleveland turned behind and jumped a few meters back as Montpelier summoned a Gaster blaster to hit Cleveland's last position

As this happens Montpelier raises her hand and Cleveland suddenly felt she was controlled and was suddenly pushed to there the wall is with bone spikes appearing at that wall to kill Cleveland

And so Cleveland used her sword and with all her might she stabbed it at the ground as Montpelier finish controlling her body as she was about to get killed

as the sword stabbed the ground it make Cleveland stop a few inches at the bone spikes on the wall, giving Cleveland a sigh a relief

and then Montpelier teleported a few meters infront of Cleveland and summoned her sword causing them both to engage a sword fight

As for Tester Beta she is watching at the scene unfolding as she already know who will win

and then suddenly she was hit by shell projectiles to which Tester Beta was hit from behind and she summoned her cannons and turns around to see who hit and her eyes widen

It Was Columbia, Denver, Birmingham, Biloxi, Independence, Princeton and Bataan with there riggings on there back and they are pissed, very pissed

Back to Cleveland

We could see her and Montpelier still in a sword battle with Montpelier crying as she can't control her body and then Montpelier spoke

Montpelier: K-Kill me

Cleveland: No I won't do that 

Montpelier: B-But sooner you'll get tired and I might stab you again killing you in the process so please-

Cleveland: No Sister as long as I'm alive I won't to that because I love you remember and lovers don't kill each other right

Montpelier: A-Aneki

and then suddenly the red lines around Montpelier's body disappeared freeing her at last and then the two looked to where Tester Beta is and to there surprise they saw there sister killing Tester Beta piece by piece

Columbia: Die, Die!

Denver: Die Motherfucker!

Birmingham: *stops killing Tester Beta* Umm guys I think we should stop

Biloxi: Hell no we have to make sure this is the real one *electricity appeared on her fists* and not a motherfucking clone

Princeton: Agreed

Bataan: But we already free Montpelier

Columbia: Wait really?

Independence: Yeah and they are looking at us with a worrying expression

and then the sister looked around and saw Cleveland and Montpelier looking at them with a "Someone pick me up I'm scared" face which made them sweatdrop but nevertheless they started to head to Cleveland and Montpelier as they returned back to the Azur HQ

With The Last Elite siren dead the Second Siren War ended at Humanities favor

Unknown to Montpelier the golden ring that the Golden Knight gave her disappeared

The End?

Next Chapter: XXV(Real Ending and ???) 

The Serenity/Broken Knight of the Seas(A Azur lane x Undertale Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now