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As Birmingham takes them to Snowdinville Biloxi asked Birmingham a question

Biloxi: Hey sis

Birmingham: Ah Y-yes Biloxi, sorry It's just my first time to be an older sister for once, I was always the youngest since Big sis Montpelier

Biloxi: It's fine but may I ask

Birmingham: Of course what did my little sister want to know

Biloxi: Well a few minutes ago Montpelier said she retired at being "The Knight of the Seas?" our sisters banner why is that?

Birmingham: ...I'm not sure why but she said she done something bad, so bad, it made her decide to quit since she doesn't deserve the banner of our sister, she also mentioned as "her greatest sin"

St. Louis: Greatest sin?

Birmingham: Yep that's all she said she didn't give any detail on what sin she committed, Yorktown tried to persuade her but she told her to give me the position which led me to this day training as a sentry and was being trained by "The Archer of the Seas"(Take a guess what shipgirl class has this title(I made the Title since it has a reference for the Cleveland Class)

Essex: Archer of the Seas?

Birmingham: They are the temporary replacement as the guards of the city's while I was in training and they are the best teachers

Essex: Could they be the-

Birmingham: And we only just have to pass this long suspension bridge!

as they 4 shipgirls saw the bridge there faces paled

The suspension bridge is too long and it leads to the other side and it was at the point that the bridge will break

Birmingham: Don't worry I checked this bridge earlier so we're going to be fine

and then Birmingham walked on the bridge with the others following with there face sweating

Timeskip brought to you by Essex screaming as hell as they were at the center of the bridge with Birmingham and Biloxi trying calm Essex down as the bridge stats shaking scarring the others

Birmingham: Ehh?! The Bridge is about to break when we are walking it, Big sis Montpelier?!

Montpelier: Yep!, That's why I left you all at the first place to check this bridge luckily I managed to fix it before the 5 of you came, sheesh if I didn't leave all of you might got hurt or worse

Birmingham: WAHH BIG SIS THANK YOU *Starts to hug Montpelier to tight*

Montpelier: It's no problem, after all, you always work yourself down to the bone

Birmingham: BIG SIS!!!!*started to pout as Montpelier started another pun*

Well it turns out that the bridge almost broke if it ain't for Montpelier who was fixing it at the time

Montpelier: Welp *Picks up the tool box she used to fix the bridge* I'll be heading to our house to return these back to where they belong tour them to Snowdinville until you reached our house, Birmingham I'll be cooking our dinner for tonight

Birmingham: REALLY?!?!?! *Starts drooling*

Montpelier: Yep I'll take my leave then enjoy touring Snowdinville

and then Montpelier left the group and then after a few minutes the group heads to Snowdinville 

and then after a few minutes they saw the sign "WELCOM TO SNOWDINVILLE"

Birmingham: I welcome you all to Snowdinville

To be continued

The Serenity/Broken Knight of the Seas(A Azur lane x Undertale Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now