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At Helena's dorm room

We could see Helena and Noshiro cuddling at the couch while watching TV

Until some knocked on the door too hard, making Helena stand up and opens the door too see Columbia and Denver with there faces really angry

Helena: Oh Columbia, Denver why are you-

Columbia: You bitch, you almost killed Cleveland and Montpelier! *Grabs Helena in the shirt*

Helena: What do you mean-

Denver: The Cafe's sign felled to where out table is, and if it isn't for Montpelier's abilities, we would have died there!

Noshiro: What's going on?!

Columbia: You Girlfriend somehow exploded the metal support at the Cafe's sign  causing it to fell and almost killed Cleveland and us!

Noshiro: Helena I told you shouldn't done that to make Cleveland and Montpelier together right?

Denver: Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do mean make Cleveland and Montpelier together?!

Helena: Oh my it seems you both are also clueless

Columbia: *releases Helena* What do you mean?

Helena: You see back when me and Cleveland are together, there is another shipgirl that fell in love with Cleveland, and it was Montpelier, at fist she said she only admires her until she slowly fell in love with her, but she sealed all of her feelings away since she saw Cleveland is already happy with me

as Helena said this Columbia and Denver are shocked

Helena: Ever since I saw Cleveland not like herself because I have another lover and Montpelier is still feeling guilty on killing you two and Cleveland I decided to make Montpelier reignite her feeling for Cleveland again-

Noshiro: To which you take your plans to far by almost killing them two to which I told you not to do it

Helena: But Montpelier blushed where her face is close to Cleveland's to the point that they could kiss-

Noshiro: She might be only embarrassed

Helena: Hey I watched some of the incest anime's you have on your house and those are one of the signs that Montpelier is starting to fall in love with Cleveland

Noshiro:. . . Fair point

Helena: So do you want to help us?

At Montpelier's 

We could see Montpelier wearing some earphone's and started to play a song on her phone

As she played the song she suddenly remembered what happened a few minutes ago which made her face uncontrollably red again

She knew her feelings for Cleveland is wrong, so wrong because she is the reason why Cleveland was heart broken as Helena found a new lover, she is the one that killed Cleveland, and the last reason is they are sisters just that nothing more, nothing less

But what the good news she get now when she left them a few minutes ago is that the Siren's are now being defeated one by one as she killed there leader and other high ranking sirens back then which made her glad as this war is coming to a end

As she is thinking about all this, she suddenly remembered a talk with a skeleton wearing a blue jacket a few years ago which where her powers originated

There talk was only simple as The Skeleton tells her how to improve the powers that was given to her, before the Skeleton disappeared completely and tells her to take care of herself

and then suddenly a Skeleton dragon goes down to take Montpelier for a ride to the sky to which she did to get some fresh air at the sky

To be continued 

So I'm planning to make a Fate/Stay Night x Azur Lane crossover in the far future but I can't chose which shipgirl will be the main character for that story(Which will took place during the Great Fire of Fuyuki and after The 5th Hold Grail war(Sakura route(Good ending)) so chose one of the shipgirls below:

1. Independence


2. Birmingham

Again you could vote by commenting I'll be waiting for your response that's all have a good day/night

The Serenity/Broken Knight of the Seas(A Azur lane x Undertale Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now