A new year

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Natasha POV

My alarm goes off at 6am and with a groan of annoyance I wake up, roll out of bed and go make myself a coffee. Today was the start of a new academic year at NYU, where I teach Russian. I'm going to be honest; most kids drop out half way through the year when they realise I actually want to teach them, and not fuck them. I could take it as a compliment I suppose... but at the same time they're damaging my class averages. I go back to my room and change into a white V-neck blouse and black wide leg trousers which hugged my waist. I head to the mirror and curl the ends of my deep red hair, so it rests perfectly on my shoulders. I proceed to coat my lashes with mascara, brush some blusher on my cheeks and finish off with some lip gloss. I grab my tablet and my bag, as well as my lunch and head out to my car.

I only live 10 minutes from campus and don't even have a class until 12:00 today but I want to see who's enrolled in my class for this year. I park my car and head to my classroom. Not to brag but I have the nicest room in the language block. Its right next to the old library and has a similar vibe to it too. I keep all my desks separated so its one student per desk as I find it easier to assess how they are doing.

I head into the classroom and set my things down in their usual spaces on the desk and turn on the monitor. I find my inbox overflowing with emails, most of them from Steve Rodgers; maths teacher, and my best friend. I think he forgets I have a life outside of work but, as I work through the emails I finally find the one I've been looking for.

To: nromanoff@nyu.edu
From: cdanvers@nyu.edu
Subject: Your class
Hey Nat!
Hope you had a nice break, you have just the one class this time round (lucky). Attached are the list of students who will be joining you as well as the timetable :)
Carol Danvers
Head of Languages

*1 attachment*

I click the attachment and to my utter surprise its another class of males. Oh wait its not, there's one girl, I think, Y/N Edwards. I click on her record and see she's extremely bright, getting full marks in everything she's done. Maybe I'll have one student here to actually pay attention. I check the timetable to just make sure it's the same as the one Steve dropped off a few days and thankfully it is.

I close the email and decide to plan the lessons for the week. Today usually works well as an introduction lesson. I'll probably get them to do some ice breakers or equivalent and then a baseline quiz to see how much Russian they already know. Tuesday, we have a class from 14:00-16:00 so as usual I will split it into two halves. The first half being me teaching, and the second half being them consolidating what they've just learnt. Wednesday, no class. Thursday, another 14:00-16:00, definitely do the same as Tuesday. And then Friday is another 12:00-13:00. I use the hour long lessons as ones where I heavily teach them. I'd preferably leave them to learn it themselves, yes I know it is my job as a teacher to actually teach, but I just think that as each student is so different, why not let them learn in a way suited to them? Anyway, I'm not allowed to do it so I won't get my hopes up.

The time is now 11:30am so I tidy up my room and get the tests ready on my students' desks. I have the spare pens ready for them at the front, and just sit and wait for them to arrive.

Y/N's POV:

Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. My goddamn alarm has only just woken me up! Its half past 11! I have Russian class in half an hour! With Miss Romanoff, the strictest one!

"I'm going to be murdered. This is it. This is the end of me. Goodbye world."

Suddenly my new roommate Wanda comes running in.

"Y/N! You're actually going to be killed. She's going to put you in detention for the rest of you life or something oh my god I'm scared for you"

"Wow thanks for your kind words of encouragement Wanda!"

She apologises quickly but we both know I will probably be given detention. I change into a pair of black wide leg jeans and throw on one of Tony's, my best friend, jumpers. I grab a notebook and my phone and run to class. If I'm quick I can get there only a couple of minutes late.

I get to Miss Romanoff's classroom at 12:04. Fuck. I head in and quickly go to find a seat only to find there's one spare, directly in front of the Professor. Fuck my life...I suppose this is what I get for being late on the first day.

"Sit and don't make a fuss. You are to stay back after class and give me a reason for your lateness" Miss Romanoff spoke as I quickly take a seat not wanting to cause a scene.

I put my notebook on the table and realise I've forgotten my pen. Miss Romanoff stands up and walks around the room handing out what looks like an introduction test. Brilliant. I raise my hand to ask for a pen.

"Yes y/n?"

"I seem to have forgotten my pen Miss. Do you have one which I could borrow please? Just for today's lesson?

Romanoff sighs and passes me a pen from the front. I take it off her and my fingers accidentally graze hers. I pull away, very obviously blushing and thank her.

The test was very easy, not to brag, but I completed all thirty questions with fifteen minutes to spare. I look around the class and notice I seem to be the only girl here. They can't only be here because they think Miss is hot right? I glance up at my professor and look her up and down. Wow. Ok, maybe I see where they're coming from. But no, I am here to actually learn Russian...not gaze at my professor. I accidentally catch myself checking her out another three or four times before she finally draws the class to a close. As everyone leaves, I go up to her desk and pass her my test. She takes it off me and asks me to bring up a chair. Not wanting to put myself in worse trouble I do exactly that. I sit in front of her and wait for her to talk.

"so then Miss Edwards. You were late this morning. Care to explain why?"

"I um my alarm was set wrong and I rushed as quick as I could I'm really sorry Miss Romanoff"

"Well, thank you for apologising. I suggest you set an earlier alarm next time."

"I will... sorry again" I can't help but analyse her perfect self. Her dazzling green eyes, dark red hair which sat perfectly curled at her shoulders, plump lips and flawless skin. I bring myself back to reality and Professor Romanoff continues talking.

"it's okay just don't let it happen again. Now I'd also like to talk to you about the reasons for why you chose to study Russian. As you could probably tell I don't get many girls in my class"

"um well, I think it's a really nice language to be honest, and I would love to visit Russia one day... and yeah don't you feel uncomfortable with you class full of guys? I know that I would"

"you get used to it... its not like any of them actually stay for longer than the first semester anyway..."

"I'm sorry about that... I don't understand why men just feel the need. Like last year, I was out with my friends and this group of guys came up to us and started calling us hot and things. It was horrible and me and my friends all got blamed for it!"

"That's awful y/n, if you ever need someone to talk to you know I will be here for you. Oh, I almost forgot to make you aware of this" She passes me a flyer which informs a trip to Russia for selected students. "Each Spring Term the department select their 10 best students to go on a trip to Russia. Maybe with this in mind it could help you get to class on time" she laughs a little and I put it in my bag.

"Thank you, I'll definitely be here on time don't worry" I stand up and put my chair back before leaving. "Bye, see you tomorrow"

"Until tomorrow y/n"

A/N: hey! I hope you guys like the first chapter. It's probably a bit rough as I'm too lazy to proof read sorry :)
I am British so don't fully know how American universities/colleges work and stuff so yeah I'm kind of guessing in that area. I'm currently writing chapter 2 and plan to get it out soon!

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