The bar

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Y/N's POV:

I woke up at 8:00 this morning. How ironic. My first class of the day isn't until 13:00 – English with Mr Barnes. I've heard a lot about him, apparently, he's meant to have the effect Miss Romanoff has on the guys, on the girls. Obviously for me that won't be happening, I'm as gay as they get at this point. Anyway, I have a solid what like, five hours to get ready, so I decide to go all out. By all out, I just mean putting on a nicer outfit and some make up. I decide on a short floral strappy dress and some doc martens. I layer some necklaces and stack my fingers with rings. I sit in front of my mirror and do some eyeliner and add some blush to my cheeks. I line my lips and fill them with a pink tinted lipstick and finish off with some mascara. I grab my bag and head to the campus café to buy a coffee. When I get there I see none other than Miss Romanoff herself. Stood at the till, the only other customer there. She wore a deep red blouse, paired with a perfect fitting pair of trousers. She held a matching black blazer and her hair was now straight.

"Hi Miss"

"Oh, morning Edwards. Now I know I said get to class early but I didn't mean this early" she laughs and comes to stand next to me. I head up to the cashier and order an iced macchiato. I go to pay but Miss Romanoff has already tapped her card on the reader.

"T-thank you Miss Romanoff. You really didn't need to do that though; I can pay for my own coffee"

"Take it as a thank you for actually enrolling in Russian because you're interested in the subject, and not just the teacher", she smirks at me and leaves me waiting for my drink. That was so. Fucking. Hot. I am retrieved from my imagination as the barista calls my order out. I collect my coffee and decide to head to the library.

Time: 11:00am

I head into the library and sit at one of the desks in the corner. I take out my notebook and start going through some English annotations I made during the summer. After about an hour and a half, I pack away my work and head to the cafeteria to grab some lunch.

When I get there I buy the cheapest salad I can find and go and sit with my friends Wanda and Tony. I sit between them and start eating my lunch.

"So then y/n, got any love interests yet?" Tony asks, with a mischievous smile plastered on his face.

"N-not yet, and to be honest I'm here to learn, not to be getting into a relationships"

"well if you ever need a back up plan, I'll be here y/n"

"Tony! You know I love you but as a friend! I'm also gay?"

Wanda sits next to me in hysterics so I kick her foot to get her to shut up. When I came out to my friends, they were supportive of me, yes of course, but Tony has never really believed it I don't think. I feel kind of bad but at the same time I can't help it.

Time: 13:00

"Shit, guys I've gotta go to English. Thanks for the lovely chat as always Tones!" I kiss him and Wanda on the cheek and quickly rush to English. Thankfully when I get there the class hasn't begun to fill up yet.

Mr Barnes was nice, I could see why people find him attractive. In today's lesson we just went over basic types of terminology and shit like that. I hate the first few lessons of term cause they're all the same you know. It's always like getting to know your classmates or going over work you did in preparation or just sitting there bored out of your head. Finally the bell goes to signify the lesson is over and I head to Russian.

I got there with a solid 3 minutes to spare.

I walk in and sit down at my desk, taking my notebook and pen out of my bag. I don't know how I'll sit through two hours of this class but here we go.

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