How about a walk?

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Y/N's POV:
We sleep until morning. I have what Natasha said to me last night replaying in my head... I really think I love her but I can't tell her, not just yet anyway.

I feel exhausted, in all honesty. I'm sick of Tony, just of it all. And now I'm stuck in a hospital bed. At least I have her.

After 10 minutes or so Nat starts to wake up.

"Morning sunshine"

"Shit sorry, I didn't realise I was this close to you"

Bitch please just sit on me for all I care.

"It's ok, don't worry about it"

She sighs and sits up, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm good. I kind of want to go on a walk..."

"Yeah? Where?"


"Can i come with?"

"That was what I was getting at Tash" i laugh slightly and sit up.

"I'll have to stop at my apartment just to drop my things off, is that ok with you?"

"I have no reason for it not to be"

Nat gets off the bed and goes to the bathroom to change.

Nat's POV: TW

I go into the bathroom which to my delight almost replicates the ones they had where I was raised. I was raised in a place we call the Red Room. They gave us involuntary hysterectomies. By us, I mean millions of innocent girls. They trained us to kill. The bathroom was prison-like, and brought back those memories. "Fear is for children Natasha, get a grip".

I slowly change but the memories keep flooding in. I press my back against the wall and feel my breathing get shallow. Fuck. I feel tears forming in my eyes and i slide down onto the floor. My hands begin to shake and there's an uncontrollable wave overcoming me.

I bury my head in between my knees and try and focus on my breathing. In for 4.... Hold for 2.. out for 4.... In for- the wave crashes. I scream out: my hands pulling at my hair; my eyes streaming; my legs shaking. I look up and my fingernails dig into my wrist and drag up my arm. Shit. I look down at my arms. Fuck. They're bleeding. The wave crashes again. I cry more, my hands shake, I can't breathe.

"Nat? Are you ok?"

"Y-yeah" I try to conceal it but I know it's useless. Y/n comes in and rushes over to me. Her hands take mine and I try to pull them away. I can't hurt her. My chest gets tighter and I'm finding it hard to breathe. "G-get my b-bag", y/n does exactly so rushing out and then back in with my bag. I dig through it and find calming drops. They don't work, it's placebo effect, but that will do for now. I feel the stinging on my tongue and y/n's hands find my shoulders. She draws little shapes to help me calm down. I slowly start to regain control of my breathing again, and I snap back to a non-panicked state of mind.

I stare at the floor with embarrassment and let the tears come out. Y/n presses a tissue to my cheek, cleaning the tears away.

Y/N's POV:

I clean up the tears.

"Natasha..are you ok? I mean you're clearly not but is there something I can do to help"

She shakes her head, "you've done more than necessary дорогой, I really appreciate it"

She sniffles and scrunches her nose slightly. God she's cute.

"Do you know what caused it?"

"This uh room just reminded me of something...I'll tell you another time though"

I nod and Nat slowly stands up. I get up after her and we pack the bags. Her eyes are still bloodshot as we leave the hospital but I drop it.

We get to her apartment and head in. She takes her things to her room and I sit and wait on the sofa.

After a while she comes back in. "What would you say if we ditch the walk? For today? We can stay here and I'll put on a film?"

"Sounds good, I'm kind of tired anyway"

"You and me both y/n. Do you want to change into comfier clothes?"

I nod and she goes and gets me some cotton flares and a jumper. I change in her bathroom and come back into the living room. I sit next to her on the sofa and she passes me a blanket.
We decide to watch The Secret Life of Pets.

About half way through the film, Nat suggests
we make cookies. Obviously I don't decline the offer.

I follow her into the kitchen and she puts some music on. She dances slightly around the kitchen and grabs out all the ingredients. I measure them into a bowl and see her watching my every move. I smirk at her slightly and flick a bit of flour at her. "Hey! What was that for?" She takes a handful of flour and throws it back at me. "You were staring at me it scared me" i laugh and she blushes with embarrassment. She grabs my hand and starts dancing with me. I laugh more and spin her around and notice she's unable to contain her laughter, god she's adorable. "Hey, stop distracting me, we need to get these cookies in the oven"

"Oh sorry" she sarcastically remarks and steps back so I can put them in the oven. She sets a 15 minute timer and we go back to the living room.

She sits on the sofa and I lie down with my head resting on her thighs. I look up at her and see her looking back at me.

She slips her hand into mine and rubs her thumb up and down my own. I feel the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

"Y/n...we're not so drunk anymore..."

"Yeah it's funny, that's what happens when you don't have alcohol in your system"

"I still want to kiss you"

"Then kiss me, I have no objections"

I sit up and her hands hold my face. She inches closer to me and I close the gap. Our lips seal together. My hands find her waist and she pulls me closer to her. I sit on her lap as she kisses me more.

After a while I pull away at the sound of the timer for the cookies.

We take the cookies out the oven and stand in the kitchen waiting for them to cool down.

Nat's POV:

So that just's chill you know...sure...yeah, just fine...

I jump up and sit on the countertop. Y/n moves closer to me, situating herself between my legs. Her arms wrap around my neck. "Natasha...I need to tell you something.."

"What is it?"

"I heard what you told me when I was 'asleep' last night... about falling in love"

Oh shit.

"I want to tell you...I think I'm falling in love with you too... I know we haven't known eachother long...but I really am pretty much head over heels for you"

I smile, "I love you"

"I love you too"

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