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Although they don't see so much of each other during the day- both with the silent understanding to not expose Charlie to their new situation and because of general work- all their nights have been spent wrapped together.

It seems too good to be true.

Regardless, Oksana continues to shove down her growing feelings of regret and anxiety over it. Things are nice- good- and getting in her own head will only ruin it. She needs to avoid the automatic instinct to shrink away with every sweet touch and whispered reassurance. She said that she would give this an honest try and stand her ground, not run away like the coward she is.

"Ms. Smith?"

Oksana smiles warmly as Nora, the residence's head housekeeper approaches her. Her smile immediately falters when she sees how pale and stricken the older woman looks. "Are you alright?"

"No," Nora admits through a sniffle, bringing up a tissue to blot at her red nose. "I've seemed to come down with something. I was hoping you would do me a favor?"

"Of course. What do you need?"

"Would you just mind vacuuming Mr. Shelby's office? It's the last task on my list, but I don't think I can manage it."

Oksana hesitates. She chews on the inside of her cheek as she glances down at the vacuum in Nora's hand and then at Tommy's closed office door.

It's not that she minds doing menial work like this, she's grown past the royal instinct to scoff at a request like this, but she doesn't know how she feels about crossing into Tommy's private space. She's only been in his office once, surprisingly, and she'd prefer to keep it that way.

It seems too personal, too dangerous, too intimate. She knows what he does behind those closed doors and can only imagine the business he gets up to. Things have been solid between them, and she doesn't want anything to ruin it.

But one look at Nora's trembling fingers and splotchy cheeks makes her relent.

"Yes," she says, taking the vacuum from the grateful woman. "Now, please go and rest. Lord knows this household would crumble without you."

Nora leaves in a rush, giving Oksana a few more thank yous, and Oksana makes her way to Tommy's office. She begins the task of vacuuming, dusting when she's done, and making sure his rubbish bin is empty. It's quick work, mundane, and she's down in less than ten minutes. She goes to leave, but something stops her in her tracks.

It's the unconquerable mountain of papers littering Tommy's desk.

Against all better judgment, she takes a step closer at all the secrets those papers might keep. What might Tommy be planning next?

A deal with some rival gang? Territory disputes? Plans to expand his business?

Her fingers itch to pick up a page- just one- but a cool voice stops the blossoming idea.


"Ty napugal menya!" she shouts, holding a hand to her fluttering heart as she whips around. "You scared me!"

"Only the guilty get scared by a simple question."

Tommy's standing by the door, cigarette dangling from his lips, arms crossed casually in front of him as his mind whirls with what he's digesting. Despite his question and his accusation, he doesn't appear irritated, simply intrigued.

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