𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲, 𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚

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Sitting in this ice cream parlor, she's surprised how many people are gathered inside the cramped space, considering that the little village Finn drove them to doesn't look capable of having half this many residents.

The three of them have found a prime spot smack dab in the center of it all, all thanks to Grissy and her insatiable charm. It had only taken two minutes, one smile, and a rub on her swollen stomach for a family of four to leave their seats. She sits across from her, swollen ankles propped up on the extra chair, while Oksana sits next to a fidgety Finn. She's not trying to be creepy, but she can't help but wonder how Finn is so...different than Tommy.

Finn seems a sweet enough boy- he opened the door for her when she got out of the car, he calls her Miss, he blushes whenever you say anything remotely kind to him- but he's a Shelby. The Shelbys she's met, even Grissy who is as perfect as they come, are ruthless. They carry deception within them like it's a second skin. Grissy's kind, but she's got a biting tongue. Arthur and John appear lackluster and comedic, but she's seen what violence they're capable of. Polly's able to trick you into friendly complacency, but her smiles are laced with intelligence.

Don't even get her started on Tommy.

How this sweet young boy- she shouldn't say that since she's sure he can't be more than a year younger than her- be related to a man as wicked, as calculating, as deceitful, as merciless as Tommy Shelby.

"Ice cream" Finn questions, and it takes Oksana a second to realize he's looking directly at her, eager and awaiting her reply. "What kind do you like?"

"Um, chocolate, please." She says the first flavor that comes to mind, her stomach churning at the memory of how long it's really been since she's had ice cream.

Papa used to love ice cream.

"No problem."

"I want-"

"Double scoop of strawberry, one scoop of vanilla, and extra cherries," Finn chuckles, cutting off his sister with a teasing smile. "Did I get it right?"

Grissy flushes and leans over to pat his cheek. "You know me so well, brother."

When he smiles at her, it's easy to notice how much Finn adores his older sister. If his previous encounter with Tommy is anything to consider, there seems to be some tension between the two brothers, enough tension to cause Finn to live with his sister and her husband instead of Tommy. She can't help but wonder if there's something deeper lurking under the surface, something dark and tragic that caused a rift, but perhaps she's thinking too much about it.

Just because her life is shrouded in tragedy doesn't mean everyone else's is.

He stands up, waving away a few pounds that Grissy tries to hand him. "No, I've got this. I'll be back in a second."

"He's sweet," Oksana says, chuckling when Grissy rolls her eyes as she stuffs her money back in her back.

"He's the best. Although, he's daft to think I don't know that our money comes from the same place. Alfie gives him a monthly allowance."

Oksana chews on her bottom lip. She knows it's not her place to pry, but Grissy's steered the conversation in the perfect direction to satiate her curiosity. "Why exactly is that? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh..." Grissy mumbles, trailing off as she tries to distract herself with a loose thread in her dress. "Um, it's nothing."

"Okay," Oksana concedes but realizes that she doesn't when she takes a second look at Grissy. Flushed cheeks, pinched lips, twitchy fingers. From all her travels, Oksana knows that they're all the signs of a woman just dying to talk.

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