Fossil Death

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Predecessors counting down timetables of doom
Successors planning more timetables of doom
The news reads with a smile

The kids have anxiety
Stress and mental deficiencies
While the adults party
Merry hares till morning dawn bites

Plastic skyscrapers rise in the sea
Shrines to liquid death
Growth on the back of fossil death
Carbon hungry economy

While the masses breathe
4.2 million dead.
Shitting out plastic
With each plastic-wrapped meal
Or toothpaste!
Or water bottle!
Or fabric of that pair of jeans with the rips at the knees

Politicizing our survival
I disagree, Sir!
My liberty's tied to fossil death
How dare you, Sir!

Exxon ahead of its time
Chuckles Laughs Topples

The kids are watching
Bailing school to save
Us all
From fossil death.


What do you think?

For those who don't understand the reference to Exxon, in the late 1970s to early 1980s, Exxon did research where they basically found out that climate change was gonna happen because of the product they sell. They hid this from the public (it was uncovered in 2015) and decided to continue selling and fighting policies concerning climate change. 

Not only Exxon, but the petroleum industry as a whole was aware of the effects of their fossil death product for a long time. You can start reading about it in the article, 'What Big Oil knew about climate change, in its own words' at

Now that that's done with...

A very free-form poem here. I finished the structure of this pretty quickly, but I didn't feel satisfied with it so I kept changing pieces until we have this beauty fueled by my climate change anxiety.

I hope you've had a good week. Mine has been mostly sleep-deprived. Thanks for reading.

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