Act 13: Invitation to the Queen:

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A few days later, the newspaper came out as Phineas read it to the "acts," his daughters, Charity, and O'Malley. 

""Shame of the city. The protests cement Mr. Barnum's reputation as a purveyor of the offensive and indecent."" Phineas read off while Charity looked over his shoulder, reading the news article.

""Offensive and indecent". Mr. Bennett, I am blushing," Lettie said, sarcastically, while she combed through her beard, looking in a tiny hand-held mirror. 

"No, I'm blushing." Helen giggled, wearing one of the fake beards that are sold out front. Lettie and a few others giggled with Helen, who moved to sit on Amelia's lap. 

"What do you care what Bennett thinks?" Amelia asked her dad, who looked upset.

"He's a pig," Lettie added.

"And a snob," Tom spoke up, looking at Phineas. 

"Yeah, and all the snobs in New York read him. He does their thinking for them." Phineas sighed when Helen took the fake beard, giggling as she held it up to Amelia, who was playing around with her. 

"Whatever happened to thriving off controversy?" Anne asked, sitting next to Amelia.

"Yeah, well-- hey." Phineas stopped when he saw Phillip walk into the room. "Do you have any thoughts on this?" Phineas asked, standing up.

"Phillip!" Helen exclaimed, getting off Amelia's lap to run and hug him.

"You know what? As a matter of fact, I do." Phillip said, holding out a paper for Phineas before hugging Helen back, making Amelia smile, watching the interaction. 

""The Master of the Household has it in command of the Queen to invite Mr. Phineas T. Barnum and his theatrical troupe to a reception at Buckingham Palace."" Phineas read off as everyone looked shocked and in disbelief.

"The Queen Victoria? Is this real?" Charity asked Phillip when Anne and Amelia exchanged a look of shock. 

"I had to pull a few strings." Phillip smiled, still hugging Helen. "If you want society to accept you, you may as well start..." Phillip said, picking up Helen to put her on the little barstool and putting his hat on her head. " the very, very top." He said when the hat went over Helen's eyes because it was too big.

"Are we all invited?" Anne asked, standing up when Phillip looked at her, then at Amelia. 

The room stood in silence, waiting for Phillip's answer when Caroline walked over to hug her big sister, who stood next to Anne. Phillip looked around the quiet room before landing his eyes back on Amelia, who was looking at him already. 

"I guess I'll just have to tell the Queen that eighter all of us go..." Phillip said, looking at everyone before turning back to look at Amelia. "...or none of us will." He said, letting Amelia let out a small chuckle before looking down at Caroline when the room cheered and laughed.

"The Queen of England! Can't get much better than that." Tom exclaimed when Phillip moved to let Helen on his back when he swung her around. 

Anne went to nudge Amelia, but Amelia was already smiling at the two. He was sweet with her little sisters, who meant the absolute world to her. Amelia never had a boyfriend or even anyone with whom she felt a connection with like her parents had. But with Phillip, it's different. Ever since he came to work with Phineas, they hardly talked without others around. They mainly just tried to steal occasional glances, and longing looks that they thought no one would ever notice. It was like the world would stop when they would make eye contact. Felt like it was only them when they would share a look. 

~603 words~

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