Act 21: Phillip's Parents Do Not Approve:

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*A Few Minutes Earlier*

Amelia headed home when she headed up to her room. "Mimi..." Charity walked down the stairs, making Amelia stop to look at her mother. "This came for you," Charity said, handing a letter to Amelia. 

"What is it?" Amelia asked, before opening it to read it.

"I don't know... What does it say?" 

"Dad has a ticket for me at the theater... I'm going to finally get to see a play." Amelia smiled when Charity looked happy. 

"Well, go get dressed. I call for a carriage." Charity smiled as Amelia rushed to get ready. Charity smiled to herself since she was aware of the real plan.

"Amelia Barnum. My father, Mr. Barnum said he left a ticket for me." Amelia said when she walked up to the ticket booth. The man, working the booth, took out two tickets that were put on hold for Amelia. "I'm-- I'm sorry... I-- I believe there's only supposed to be one." Amelia stuttered, not knowing what to do since this was the first time that she went to a theater, that was not one of her sister's ballet performances.

"No, there's meant to be two."

Amelia did not glance behind her when she heard Phillip's voice. She felt him move, when she glanced up, seeing him right next to her. "I wasn't sure you'd come if I asked." He said, when she sighed, not knowing what to say. He held his arm out when she took it. They turned when Amelia looked up at the stairs. Phillip watched as Amelia looked at it in awe. 

"I've always wanted to go to the theater." She smiled when she turned to look at him. 

He did not say anything as he smiled at her before they started to walk up the stairs. Amelia picked up her dress, a little so that she would not step on it.

"Phillip, is that you?" 

The two stopped when they looked over to the man and woman that Amelia saw for the first time she saw Phillip was with at Caroline's first ballet concert. The man and woman looked at Phillip, before looking at Amelia in disgust, making her feel like she was going to melt under their gaze.

"Mother. Father. This is Amelia Barnum." Phillip introduced Amelia to them, calmly, making his parents look at him.

"Phillip..." His father said, when Amelia looked at him, trying to avoid looking at his parents, who seemed disgusted by her presence. "...Have you no shame? Associating yourself with that Barnum business is one thing... " His father continued, making Amelia look down, holding back tears. "...but parading around with his daughter?" He continued when Amelia could not hold her tears back as they went down her cheeks, making her unlink her arm from Phillip's, before hurrying to the door to catch a carriage.

 "Amelia... Amelia. Amelia? Amelia!" Phillip called, still standing there as he watched her walk out of the door. Once the door closed, he turned to his parents, looking upset and angry. "How dare you speak to her like that." He scolded his parents, before turning to go after her.

But his mother stopped him, by grabbing his arm. "You forget your place, Phillip." His mother said to him, making him look back at her.

"My place?" He asked his mother. "Mother, if this is my place... then I don't want any part of it." He said, walking out of the place, leaving his parents speechless.

~571 words~

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