Act 27: By His Side:

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Amelia sat on the side of Phillip's bedside in the hospital. She held his hand, looking at his burned-up face. She held his hand close to her chest, and when she kissed his knuckles, looking at him.

"What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine? Nothing can keep us apart..." She sang, softly, when she moved his hand up to her lips again. "You are the one I was meant to find..." She continued to sing, lightly, when she kissed his hand again, trying to hold back tears.

*A Couple Days Later*

She had stayed by his side, waiting for him to wake up. 

"Mimi." Caroline smiled when they walked in. Helen and Caroline joined their sister's side. Charity smiled when she changed the flowers in the vase. 

"Hey, you okay?" Amelia asked her mom, who just nodded, lying to her. 

"Yeah... We are just staying with your grandparents... After the circus, the bank repossessed the house." Charity shrugged, when Amelia sighed, looking back at Phillip. 

"How's he doing, Mimi?" Helen asked, moving to sit on Amelia's lap. 

"They said he just needs to take his time to rest." Amelia smiled, giving Helen a vague answer. 

"Then, why do you look like you have been crying?" Caroline asked, nuzzling into Charity's side. 

"Because I'm sad that he's hurt, Care." Amelia gave a small smile when she hugged her sisters until they had to leave. 

Charity brought clothes for Amelia, trying to get her to come home, but she wasn't leaving Phillip's side. A few minutes later, Amelia went to get something to eat, when she saw a man reading a newspaper as he drank his coffee. 

"Excuse me? What does the front of that say, sir?" Amelia asked when the older gentleman flipped the newspaper to look at the headline. 

It was a picture of her dad and Jenny Lind kissing. "Jenny Lind Quits. Barnum Scandal."

"Oh..." Amelia sighed, before thanking the man, handing him back his newspaper as she went to go back to Phillip. She could not leave him now, but her mother needed her. 

The next morning, Amelia laid her hand on Phillip's chest, as she had been for the past few days. She stirred awake when she felt his hand move since she was still holding his hand. She moved to sit up when she saw him open his eyes. She smiled, brightly, when she held his hand with both of hers. She smiled as tears ran down her cheeks. 

"You're here..." He mumbled, softly, as she moved to kiss him. They kissed slowly and passionately when he moved his hand to caress her cheek. "Marry me." He said, in between kisses.

"What?" She asked when she pulled away from him. 

"Marry me?" He asked, again, when she started to smile, before kissing him again. 

"Of course... I will." She smiled, in between kisses.

~479 words~

What if We Rewrite the Stars?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora