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I serve orange juice to breakfast goers at the beginning of the day, since it's too early to mix alcohol

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I serve orange juice to breakfast goers at the beginning of the day, since it's too early to mix alcohol. Lily works the room as a waitress, setting down plates of hot cakes, sausages, eggs, and oatmeal. I always wanted to taste the decorative plate of food, but I'd rather not waste $80. I'm in no condition to splurge. The food here must light the tastebuds on fire by how the guests savor it. I guess I'll never know for sure.

Classy jazz music circulates the room and sets a mellow vibe...more like a rich vibe. The men's wives wear the silkiest dresses I've ever seen, and the husbands' sport suede...or velvet, I can't tell from this far. Even the children rock lavish fabric. Material that I'm sure makes them feel like royalty. It must be amazing to dress like a prince and princess. Their childhood must be a dream world.

The dining area is packed, as always. The same table finishes early and heads out back to the golf course. I think they're businessmen, there's always four of them, and the exact routine plays out. A dark-haired one holds a French door open for the lot and waits patiently.

This one has taken my breath away every Sunday. His broad shoulders, green eyes, jet black hair, full lips, and height draw me in. Of course, he never notices me. He must have a wife. I shyly watch him, adoring his bushy eyebrows and long lashes. He has a silver suit jacket around one shoulder, slacks, and a white dress shirt with the first three buttons loosened. I can see chest hair.

I gawk at this beautiful man who would never go for a girl like me. Who would never pay attention to the help unless paying a bill. My eyes scale his bottom half; he has thick legs and an impressive ass for a guy.  

"Ogling again?" Lily whispers from behind me

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"Ogling again?" Lily whispers from behind me.

I jump and blush. When I say blush, I mean it. My cheeks flush red. "No..."

"I don't get why you haven't made a move."

"Because he never notices me."

"Well, of course not, not with you being this far away." She scoffs. We both watch him stroll out of the door. Our eyes go to his bubble ass. "You know you want that juicy booty."

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