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I find it funny that a billionaire is eating junk food

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I find it funny that a billionaire is eating junk food. I'm highly entertained by the huge bites he takes from the meaty burger. There's no conversation for a while, just the waves of the sea and rippling trees. I honestly think Jace is analyzing what I meant by untapped. Will he link it to me being a virgin? I sip on Pepsi, douse my fries in ketchup, and cut up my burger. It's unclassy to pick it up with my hands. I use a knife and fork.  

When we're done with dinner, the drone clears the table to set out a chocolate lava cake. The way my eyes grow in size isn't right. "You're a chocolate monster!" Jace chuckles. I drop the classy way of eating and smother my mouth with the dessert. I stuff it, savoring the taste like an addict. Jace is astonished by how much of the cake I devour. Half of it is gone because of me. "Wow!" 

"Don't judge me."

"Where are you putting it?!"

"Shut up..." I titter.

After dessert, he walks me back to my room like a gentleman. "I take that your answer is no?"

I halt at the door and shrug. "I don't know. Would we see each other that little?"

"Yes, I'm either at the lab, tower, arena, or attending conferences."

"And at the country club on Sundays."

"That too. But I wouldn't count that as spending time together. You're on the clock."

"And you're with your business friends."

"Investors." He corrects.

I scratch the back of my head. "I'm gonna need more time."

"How much time?"

"A week...maybe."

He's dissatisfied with my response. "Maybe sleep on it tonight and let me know in the morning. Could you try that?"

"I can."

Jace smooches my forehead. "Goodnight, Madison."

"Goodnight, Jace."

Once inside, I kick off the sandals and rinse off my feet. The sand twirls down the drain. I watch it, wondering. What if I say yes? Do I drop my home? I don't think I ever want to leave this island. It's paradise. Could I live here? The fact that Jace even asked proves he's serious. He said I wouldn't be one of his toy chicks and that I have more meaning. 

Has he fallen for me? It's been two months since we first talked. How could he want me this much already? That's irrational. I hope this isn't a curse of mine. Having guys go the mile for me too quickly. It's flattering, but it's a headache. I snap a photo of the swarming sea. The moon is full. I then take one of my bedroom is send both to the group chat. I text my mom:

So...he asked me to move in. What do I do? I change out of my dress and into a sleep gown.

Mom: 😨😨😨

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