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I'm speechless

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I'm speechless.

That's a ring he's holding! Why would he do this??! Why would he buy it? I feel objectified...like an accessory, a chess piece. This is a game to him. Brad is only doing this because of the news report. I want to say what I'm thinking but can't form the words. I'm a deer caught in headlights.

"Marry me." Brad gets down on one knee with a silver ring. It's simple, small, but striking. "AA is in my life until I redeem myself. I'm sorry for what I did. Let me make it up to you."

I stare at the ring with a ghost complexion. No...this is supposed to be Jace, not Brad! What is going on?! "Why are you doing this? I told you I'm marrying Jace. Did you only buy a ring because you saw the article??"


"This isn't a competition...."

"That's not why I bought it. I want you back."

"And I said I'm done with you."

"You're here."

I glare. "Because I thought it was an emergency. You took advantage by saying it was. You used me again."

"I didn't!"

"You haven't changed at all."

He balls his fist. "What do you think I've been doing all this time? For 2 months, I've been doing exactly that!" He fumes.

"Have you??" I retort while gripping the pepper spray. "Why does it seem like your anger is worse?"

Brad unclenches his fist and inhales to collect himself. This technique is effective. He calms down. "It isn't."

"I don't believe the words coming out of your mouth." I look him up and down. "And never will."

"So, you're saying no?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." I descend the stairs. I rid the image of him on his knees from my mind. I have sympathy for his effort, regardless of rejecting him. It takes guts to be so vulnerable. My heart can't be that cold, but it must be. I have to be harsh. Still, I want to say I appreciate the effort...the time he took to pick out the diamond. The cash he spent on it. Even if it's a ploy. It takes nerves to go down on one knee.

My compassion overrules my anger. I halt and turn around to look at him. "I'm flattered, but it's a no." I soften my voice. "I'm sorry."

Brad stands, eyeing me with pure sourness. "No, you're not."

"I'm trying to end this nicely."

He pockets the ring. "Don't try to be nice after rejecting me!" He growls emotionally. "I just did the scariest thing possible, and you don't care. You're heartless!"

"And you're a damn stalker who needs to leave me the hell alone!" I continue my stride with more of a stomp. I don't dare to glance back again. All the consideration from before is gone.

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