Sugawara Koushi - Tutor

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Y/N: Yeah, I know. The principle says if I don't do this I don't get to go on the school trip and I have to stay home and study until my grades are back up.

- I don't know, some third year.

- Yeah, well I've got to go. I'll talk to you later.

(y/n) hung up the phone and sighed, making her way to her meeting spot with her tutor.

SUGAWARA: You must be (l/n)-chan, my name is Sugwara Koushi, I'm going to be tutoring you.

The silver-haired young man smiled and waved at her, (y/n) responded lifelessly and sat across from him at a desk.

SUGAWARA: So... What should we start with?
Y/N: I dunno.
SUGAWARA: Okay, try to contain your enthusiasm... Uhm... What's the first makeup test you have?
Y/N: History, I think.
SUGAWARA: Great! So what are you studying now?
Y/N: I dunno.
SUGAWARA: Wow... you are just the life of the party aren't you?
Y/N: Ok, I thought you were going to be my tutor, not my sarcastic sidekick like we're in some kind of stupid movie.
SUGAWARA: Look, I know you don't wanna be here, but the sooner you cooperate with me, the sooner you get to go home. Deal?
Y/N: Fine.


(y/n) was actually getting the hang of it and she was almost starting to enjoy studying with Sugawara. It wasn't as boring as when those old crusty teachers who have nothing interesting about them explained things to you. Sugawara was funny and charming and made sure (y/n) was paying attention to him while he was explaining things, plus he was cute, but (y/n) would deny thinking that. She had a boyfriend after all... Plus, Sugawara was a year older, it's not like he would ever look her way.

Suddenly, her phone started buzzing. She picked it up and Sugawara noticed a picture of her and a boy popping up on the screen. (y/n) motioned that she would be back soon and stood up to take the call in the corner of the room.

Y/N: I'm just here studying, I told you.

- I can't, I'll have to see you tomorrow.

- Okay, bye.

SUGAWARA: Ah, the boyfriend.

He said and chuckled as she sat back down. (y/n) didn't reply.

SUGAWARA: Have you guys been going out long?
Y/N: Why do you care?
SUGAWARA: I'm just making conversation, you must be bored of the Meiji Restoration by now.
Y/N: What's not to like about Japan becoming a major industrialized power at super speed?
SUGAWARA: Ah, so you were listening when I was talking!

(y/n) scowled at him and Sugawara chuckled.

SUGAWARA: Come on, tell me about him. We'll take a little break.
Y/N: He's a guy in my class, we've been... uhm- talking... for about four months.

(y/n) blushed and Sugawara smiled.


He mused.

Y/N: Shut up.
Y/N: Stop patronizing me.
SUGAWARA: Come on, I genuinely thought you looked cute with your cheeks all red.

He said as he poked at her cheeks. (y/n) took a deep breath and looked down to her history book, cheeks even redder than before.

Y/N: Let's finish this, I want to go home.
SUGAWARA: As you wish.


Once they were done with the tutoring session (y/n) quickly gathered her things and sped out of the classroom, not even giving Sugawara a chance to say goodbye. As she was standing at a red light waiting to cross the street she heard someone calling her name from afar.

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