Weed (Zouis)

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guess who's back with some smut ;)


You had been walking back to your hotel after seeing 1D live at a concert. It was late and most of the fans had left already but you still made your way around to the back door that the hotel staff had told everyone to go in due to the band being in the hotel.

As you got closer to the door a black car pulled up just outside it and you stopped. The doors opened and you watched as smoke floated out of the car. You sniffed the air and let a small smirk cross your face when you realized that whoever was in the car had been smoking weed. You walked closer to the car when the back door opened and out stepped Louis and Zayn.

Zayn was saying something to Louis, who opened his mouth to answer , stopping when he saw you. "Hi" you said with a small wave and both boys looked at you. "Hi?" Louis said, slightly confused.

"You know second hand pot smoke can make people high right? And that you really shouldn't smoke it in a moving car. If you really want to get high before a show I suggest seeing if you can get baked goods." You said with a smirk and both of their brows were raised. "People sell pot brownie?" Louis asked and you nodded. "I know a few people who will bake pot into almost anything" you said and they smirked at you. "Wanna join us? We have a bit to go through before we have to leave for the next place and we cant take it on the plane obviously." Zayn said and you nodded "sure." you said, following them inside the hotel.

An hour later you were pleasantly high and laughing at some random thing that you couldn't remember. You felt floaty, hungry and horny, and decided that the only one you could fix was hunger, so you stood up to get a bag of chips. On your way to the table with the food you tripped over someones shoe and landed right in Zayn's lap. "Sorry" you said as you started giggling while trying to sit up. He was laughing too as he placed a hand on your back to steady you. His touch sent shivers down your spine that you tried to ignore. Everything felt really good and you were trying not to get turned on by such a simple gesture. You wiggled slightly and heard a soft groan from Zayn which caused you to stop suddenly. "(Y/N), how old are you?" Louis asked.

"Legal." was all you said and he smirked at you before nodding to Zayn.

Zayn wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close to him before his lips met your neck, sucking slightly on your sweet spot. You let out a moan, tilting your head to the side as Louis came and knelt in front of you, running a hand along your thigh as he leaned in and kissed you. Zayn's hand moved from your waist and up your shirt until he was gently massaging your breast, causing you to moan into Louis' lips. Louis slipped his tongue in your mouth as Zayn switched breasts, kissing and sucking along your neck as you squirmed in his lap. He let out a groan and you could feel his erection pressing against your backside. Louis slipped a hand into the front of your pants and started rubbing slow circles on your clit through your panties, causing you to moan and rock your hips, which in turn caused Zayn to let out a growl and buck his against you.

"We're going to do something fun today." Louis said as he pulled you off Zayn's lap and turned you so you were facing Zayn. You watched wide-eyed as he removed his pants and boxers, taking in the sight of his erection pressed against his stomach. You licked your lips as he grasped it in his hand and pumped it slowly.

"Take your clothes off." Louis said into your ear and you did as you were told. Soon you were standing naked in front of the two boys, who were both now fully naked as well. "On your knees love, I want that pretty mouth around my cock." Zayn said and you obliged, taking his cock in your hand and running your hand along his length before letting your tongue circle the tip. He let out a groan as you took him into your mouth, taking your time and enjoying the taste and feel of him in your mouth.

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