All About You (Narry)

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Yes, another boyxboy one fIGHT ME. if you dont like it then please leave I dont have a fuck to give anyway oops..

Top!Niall im not even sorry


"God dammit, Harry." Niall threw his fist in the air as his face turn red in anger, his boyfriend walking along side him with his face hung low. He has seen Harry dancing with another man, grinding into him and practically having sex clothed. It was a horrible thing to see and he honestly wished he never saw it, what makes him more mad is that Harry isn't even drunk. He's completely sober and knew what he was doing, Niall wanted to cry on the spot but he knew there were people watching and he didn't want to make a scene.

"I'm sorry. I just-" Harry starts but cuts himself off. He knew he did something wrong and he can't deny that. Niall just huffs before getting in a cab and sitting in the far end of the car, his side pressed against the car window. Harry sighs, knowing he will never get a chance to talk to Niall and make things right. The car ride was silent, no words were exchange and the only sound you'll hear was Harry's heavy breathing and Niall's quiet sobs.

Harry unlocked the door to their apartment and mentally got ready for the huge argument that's about to commence. But Niall just sat on the couch and turned his back to Harry, crying silently. He waited for Harry to say something but Harry just pursed his lips together and enjoyed the silence.

"Why'd you do it?" Niall silently asked, still facing away from Harry. He didn't want to see his face right now.

"I-I don't know." Harry breathed out, tugging on the hem of his shirt. Niall stood up and walked torwards him, and Harry didn't expect what he did next. Harry cupped his cheek and stared at Niall. He just slapped him.

"You fucking deserve that." Niall spats. Harry just stood there cupping his now red cheek.

"Why did you do it anyway? I left the house for one minute and when I get home I find it empty and where were you? In the club downtown grinding on a stranger." Niall shouted, crossing his arms over his chest, glaring at Harry.

"Well, I wouldn't have done it if you'd just spend time with me."


"You heard me." Harry glares back and crosses his own arms over his chest.

"Oh so I'm the bad guy? I'm not the one who just had sex clothed. You cheated. How do you think that made me feel?" Niall yelled, balling his fist.

"It's always what you feel! It's always what Niall wants and what Niall feels. How about my needs? You never spend time with me and I'm honestly really sorry about what I did back at the club which was incredibly stupid but I wanted attention! I wanted to have somebody while you go spend time with your family or go to god knows where. You leave me here all alone and I never complain and when I screw up once, you scream at me and accuse me for cheating."

Harry fires back, leaving Niall silent and gaping at his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, I just.." Harry breathed out once he realized that he just yelled at his own boyfriend. Niall just smirked and backed Harry up against the wall. Harry could hear his heart pumping inside his chest, and gasped when he felt his back hit the wall. Niall gripped his waist as they stare into each other's eyes.

"So it's always about me?" Niall whispered, placing his hand under his shirt and pressing his fingers against his warm skin. "Well you're going to regret that Harry, because tonight I will do everything for you." He didn't even let the boy take in all the words that he said before kissing him roughly, pushing him hard against the wall. Niall slipped his hand farther into his shirt and let his hands roam against Harry's warm skin. Harry gripped Niall's hair and moaned uncontrollably when his boyfriend started to grind against him, creating friction between the both of them.

"Do you like that, baby. Do you like it when it's all about you." Niall kissed and sucked at the spot below his ear and Harry nods. "Good, cause there's alot more coming." Harry gasped when Niall palmed his clothed erection, rubbing it slowly as Niall presses his lips back against him. They removed both their shirts and Harry let's him roam his hands all around his torso, gasping as he felt him flick his nipples.

"Niall.." Harry whimpered once Niall started grinding into him once more, making the young member nearly come in his pants. Niall just smirked before leading him into the bedroom.

"Get ready baby, cause I'm gonna make you feel like it's your first time."


hell yeah cliffhanger!
vote vote vote for butt sex. ;)

I have a new luke fanfic whoop its called opposites. check it out?

I know its a bit too late but happy 2015 mah babes :D

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