Lessons (Niall)

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Let's just start off by saying that at the age of sixteen, Niall hadn't been on very many dates. In fact, he hadn't had much to do with girls at all.

The only girl he had ever been able to speak more than two sentences to was you, but you two weren't together. Never were, and probably never will be.

So to say that he was a little nervous when he was getting ready for his fifth date with a girl that he really liked, was an understatement. So of course you, being the amazing friend you are, we're giving him the pep talk of the century.

"Just don't insult her parents, or her dog... and don't use too much tongue., and keep your dick in your pants."

Niall rolled his eyes. "Don't doubt my make-out skills. I'm basically a professional. And I'm not that horny."

You scoffed, grabbing a fistful of popcorn and shoving a few kernels in your mouth. "You and I both know the only girl you've ever French kissed was Lia whatserface in year seven during spin the bottle."

Niall cringed. "Oh god, don't remind me! I can still taste her cheap lipgloss." He shivered, switching the channel on the tv and readjusting himself on the couch.

"Well none of it could be as bad as the worse groping I've ever gotten the first time Louis got hammered."

At age fifteen, Louis really couldn't hold his alcohol, and was completely smashed after two beers and a few glasses of awful wine that Niall had managed to sneak from his parents alcohol cupboard. He was staggering and spouting random phrases and clinging onto you like a koala the rest of the night, and worst of all, his drunkenness then lead to the most awkward and most uncomfortable grope session you had ever experienced, where he basically just aggressively and awkwardly grabbed your boobs and jiggled them around for a little over a minute.

You and Niall both laughed at the memory. Since then, Louis had learned to hold his liquor much better, but he never lost the curse of one of the most wicked hangovers you had ever seen.

"Shouldn't you be at Nina's house by now?" Niall glanced at the clock, eyes widening and bolting up, "Shit!" He fixed his mussed hair quickly, taking off his sweatpants and tugging on a pair of black jeans from the floor, praying that they weren'ttoo dirty.

"I gotta go, hang around if you want."

And with that he was out the door.


You hadn't expected Niall back for a few hours, at the least. Him and his girl had the house to themselves, her parents would be home late, and the two would probably take as long as they could making out on her bed while music played in the background. That's how you would do it, anyway.

But it had hardly been an hour before the door was being opened and a depressed looking Niall walked through, trudging up to his room without even acknowledging that you were still chilling on his couch. You debated wether to leave him to deal with his shit alone, or go see what was bothering him. Deciding on the latter, you hoisted yourself up and jogged up to stairs to Niall's bedroom.

He was laying face down on his bed, his usual happy smile and bright eyes were etched into a pout.

Sighing, you sat next to your friend, stroking his blonde fringe out of his eyes, wondering what could have gone down at NIna's that had made him act like this, so different than the cheeky adorable boy you knew.

"What happened?"

Niall just groaned, shifting so his eyes were avoiding you.

"You can tell me, Niall."

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