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"If you die Harry, I'll kill you," Lyndy smirked in his direction as she looked back down at her book that was opened to a page about dragons

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"If you die Harry, I'll kill you," Lyndy smirked in his direction as she looked back down at her book that was opened to a page about dragons.

"At this rate, I'll be the first to die out of the four of us," Harry slumped in his chair, head resting on his hand as he looked over at Ron and Hermione who sat on the other side of the library with his other friends who all hate him at the moment, "I'm going to die, and no one will care."

"Pretty sure Aunt Lily will care, your dad might depends on his mood that day."

"Your not helping."

Lyndy smiled and shrugged her shoulders and she leaned down to continue her reading. The  first task in the triwizard tournament was the following day and Harry felt himself hitting the point of defeat. The beginning of fourth year had been exciting, new students from schools across the world, a tournament with dangerous tasks he believed he'd have no part of. But everything went south when his name shot out of the cup and forced him to be the fourth member. It was just another year he was forced into danger against his will.

"Don't be sour Harry, I've already told you how to win, it just depends on if you decide to listen to me or not."

Harry rolled his eyes, "why do you even care, why are you the only one who believes I didn't do it?"

"Because everyone else is stupid and I have the advantage of knowing you the longest. Plus, you kept talking all summer about how this was your year to be normal, your year to sit on the sidelines and when it was taken from you, you looked like someone who had been blindsided, not someone who was happy about being thrown into danger to win a bucket load of cash."

Harry fell to the side leaning his head against Lyndy's shoulder and closing his eyes, "I promise not to die, especially not when you still owe me a date."

Harry paced in the yellow tent not wanting the inevitable, but that's what it was — inevitable and he had to part take in it, even if he refused. The boy stood next to the other contestants, Hermione a girl he acknowledged as a sister connected to his hip not wanting to let go. But it was another inevitable thing. Harry had to do this alone.

He picked his dragon like his family used to pick partners for game night out of a hat, games he always lost because he always chose wrong. But these tasks or games weren't for fun, they were life and death and the boy was learning by just how much as he picked last and he picked the feistiest and fiercest dragon.

The boy watched Viktor and his viciousness, he watched how Cedric managed to put his to sleep and then he watched Fleur fail and not complete her task. The boy stared at the men who placed his egg in the centre and how they let his dragon out. He looked at the visitors booth, his parents sat in with Lyndy who looked about ready to throw up.

Harry walked out of the tent listening to the crowd cheer for him, he gripped his wand so tightly he feared it might break and he wiped forehead of the sweat as he listened to his buzzer go off, signalling the beginning.

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