Evies final Revenge!😋😋😋

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Evie steps out of the limo and onto the isle concrete for the first time and what feels like forever. She immediately clutches her heart purse against her so no one even thinks about stealing it. Even though the bluenette hasn't been on the isle in a very long time she had a very, ruthless reputation before she was sent to Auradon.

Evie cloaks the limo to make sure no one sees it and tries to steal it. Evie looks up into the clouded dark sky. No sunlight ever was seen on the isle, making it so it always seems like nighttime. But villains don't mind, they thrive in the night's darkness.

Evie dips into the alleyways, trying to keep on the down-low in case any unwanted villains spot an ex-villain. The bluenette just wants to find Doug, give him the poison apple, and get back home as quickly as possible. Evie knows the alleyways like the back of her hand but finding Doug might be another challenge.

As the bluenette ventures down the alleyways, she checks in every corner trying to figure out where Doug was hiding. Doug spent his whole life in Auradon, this place would definitely not treat him kindly, Evie knows that Doug has to be hiding somewhere.

Suddenly Evie hears a crackle from behind her. A voice Evie recognizes and knows all too well. Evie whips her head around to stare at the red pirate.

"Harry, leave me alone! I'm not here to cause any trouble for actual villains. I'm just here to...visit, an old friend" Evie says, making Harry grin as he stalks closer, getting into the bluenette's personal space bubble.

"Well, well, well, what a lovely surprise. Who are ye seeing if I might ask? Yer old pal Dizzy I suspect" Harry grins, eyes narrowing with wicked delight. Evie takes a cautious step back, not wanting to be close to the crazy pirate. Evie saw herself as somewhat evil but Harry was a whole nother level of crazy.

"No, actually I'm here for another friend. Someone you might not know as well. He came from Auradon" Evie says, and Harry grins as he creepily runs his hook through Evie's dark blue hair.

"Oh, don't ye mean that dwarf. Oh, I've already had a lot of fun with him! I love to see that Auradon boy squirm as I try to hook him" Harry cackles out, running his hook quicker through the blue hair as he thinks about all that he has done to Doug since he came. Harry has already done so much for him and he can't wait to do more.

"Um, okay... I'm just going to go. Bye Harry" Evie squeaks out as she tries to escape. The pirate smirks as he grabs Evie with his hook, stopping the bluenette in her tracks. Any other movement and Evie's delicate skin will be punctured. Evie glares at the pirate.

"Harry, let me go!" the bluenette snarls. Harry sneers as he closes in, getting dangerously close to the girl's face.

"Do what ye want to the dwarf but keep him alive. I've had so much fun with him. Don't ruin the fun for me please" Harry creepily says. Evie gulps and nods as she looks up at Harry with wide, terrified eyes.

"I wasn't planning on killing Doug, Harry. I would never do that" Evie reassures the pirate, who nods as he pulls his hook away, scraping the point across the bluenette's cheek just enough to not break the skin.

"Perfect" Harry says with wicked delight, holding his silver hook in the air. Evie nervously chuckles as she starts backing up.

"Okay, well I really need to get back to Auradon. I don't want to stay too long and I really need to get back to my husband. Bye Harry" Evie says in a panicked voice as she starts speedwalking. Harry looks at the bluenette in confusion.

"Wait, husband?" Harry asks in confusion. Evie sighs as she squeezes her eyes shut for a second. She really shouldn't have said that. The bluenette slowly turns around to face the pirate.

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