Buck up

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"Hello pretty boy." Julia snarked at the bully and he actually flinched his angry gaze away. Huh? I didn't beat him THAT bad. Ju wondered to herself.

"Sit down, stay quiet and for the love of god, don't blow anything up." the teacher called out as she entered the class. Mrs. Brown was as dumpy looking as her name suggested. Average height but much more stout around hte middle than looked comfortable. As soon as the students stopped yammering and settled in plac, she assigned out your class partner. The person who would be donig all the lab work with you throughout the year.

"Julia Shaw, Megan Hewton..." Ju caught the name of her unfortunate partner and spotted the young woman sitting not far away. She had wavy brown hair, glasses and a sardonic smile on her face. Once everyone was paired up, with one group of three due to the odd number, Megan switched desks to be next to Julia.

"'Lo." Megan greeted. "'lo." Julia mimicked. With a headache pounding in her brain and the twitching need to get up and move making Julia shift around in her seat, it was amazing that she caught anything out of that class. But somehow Megan managed to put up with Ju's grumpy silence. When the lunch bell rang, Julia scrambled to get out of there and Megan follwed along behind silently.

Megan looked a little at loss of what to say when Julia led them to the otherside of the football field so she could smoke and relax. And of course Julia had no clue how to explain this to her without seeming like an absolute freak. So the ystood in awkward silence until Andrew trotted over to see them.

"Hi Julia, hey Megs." he greeted with familiarity. Ju frowned at him. Of course they know each other idiot, they've probably goen to school together forever. she reminded herself. Without missing a beat, both Megan and Andrew pulled out hteir various lunches and started trading for pieces they wanted from each other, all while Julia smoked in silence. And as easy as that, Megan was a new addition to her tiny circle of friends. She was actually reluctant to head back inside when the lunch bell rang signaling the need to go back to class.

Megan was in her next class as well, and and even better surprise was seeing Enrique in her art class. For the first time in a few years, Julia had a friend on both sides of her, and no one bothered watching her, she seemed perfectly normal. The headach that had started to ruin her day didn't fade at all, but she was distracted from it by the dup dragging her into conversation about various art techniques and a randomly spirited discussion of favourite artists. Julia loved Luis Royo, dispite the fact that he had an obsession with drawing naked women.

Geography was lonely after that, but thankfully it went by quickly as Julia found herself in a suddenly exhausted state and she basically zombied her way through class. She felt restless and it got worse as she noticed a storm moving in. Thunderstorms always made her antsy. She loved them and loathed them at the same time. She ended up chewing the inside of her lip bloody before the bell rang and she shot out of her desk like a catapult. Relax, act normal dammit! she cursed at herself furiously trying to calm down. People were looking at her with astonishment and surprise as she bodily pushed past htem and outside. Out of anyone's line of sight she managed to stop moving and forced herself to take in huge breaths. It was starting to work a little bit. Until someone called her name.

"Hey Julia!" she looked up, wide eyed to see Graham walking towards her. When he saw the expression on her face he stopped smiling. "Woah 'nother headache?" he asked, coming closer. She was feeling caged in again, even though she was outside and he wasn't able to block her. It was too much after today.

"Sorry." Julia mumbled and pushed past him, breaking into a run to get away from everyone as the first crash of thunder pealed overhead.

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