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Julia ran through the forest, feeling it guide her along, something in the distance pulled her towards its somehow familiar safety and she could feel the call of Enrique chasing along behind her. Something inside her skin snarled for the freedom to run on all fours, begged to feel wind rush through fur but she shoved the alien thoughts aside and focused on not breaking an ankle in the underbrush. As she cleared her head of hte overwhelming instinct she was jsut plain confused by her actions and Enrique's reactions. This was all a part of that secret that she wasn't allowed to know. Frustrated tears sneaked down her cheeks as she ran on, the forest growing silent around her.

It occured to her that running towards a mysterious something and away from her ride out of here was a bad idea and she slowed down and stopped. She could feel the heat radiating off of her body as she gulped in air and tried to calm down and listen. And she realized that whatever was drawing her towards it, was coming towards her now that she'd stopped. A smash and a snarl in the distance behind her distracted her from that unsettling thought. Enrique! she worried and started running back to where she somehow knew he was. She had to let the strange instincts guide her again or else she ended up wasting time, tripping over things. So she let her mind relax and wander while part of her guided the once clumsy feet over obstacles she shouldn't have been able to see. The clear sounds of a struggle pushed her to run faster, abandoning all pretense of normal ability and she streaked through the woods like she knew there were be a trail for her. And skidded to a stop when she saw Enrique sprawled on the ground, blood soaking into his frilly pirate's shirt from claw marks in his shoulder. MINE! Snarled the inhuman part of her brain as she saw a gigantonormous wolf stalk towards him while he struggled to get up again.

The wolf had bright green eyes and was a patch work of blacks and browns. He'd look almost like a german shepard except his musculature was bulkier and didn't even blend into a wolf shape well. He was were wolf, with the body design of a pure predator with little concession to the impossibility of a 180 pound man turning into a 250 pound monster. And this wolf was a monster. He circled and snapped at Enrique, enjoying making hte wounded man scramble around to try and protect himself. Neither wolf nor man had heard Julia's approach and were unaware of her presence until she barreled into the snarling wolf and swiped at him with a hand that had grown sickle claws. She stood over Enrique and growled a warning through growing fangs. Her jaw creaked and stretched into an almost snout, filling with biting, tearing fangs and teeth. Both of her once tiny hands were malformed and stretched into deadly claws that were naked of fur and grotesque. The one had was now coated in blood from where her swipe had sunk through the protective ruff and tore open runnels down the attacking wolf's neck and chest. A low growl was rumbling from out of Julia's chest and her anger danced in hte air, electric and terrifying.

Enrique lay still beneath her, terrified that she would fully change and loose herself to the wolf. But also obscenely grateful she came back and was helping him. The other wolf had attacked without warning, without even any chance for Enrique to prepare. It meant to kill him after toying with him. But not with her here, protecting his back. Another wolf howled in hte distance, moving closer to their position and the attacking wolf jerked in response and howled back. Julia snarled her almost snout and Enrique used hte opportunity to climb slowly to his knees. His shoulder burned and his arm hung uselessly, muscles torn until he healed.

When the other wolf finished it's howl it looked at them, pure maddness burning in its eyes. Here was a wolf that had forgotten it had been human. When he had turned tonight, it had been the last straw and all pretense of human nature had fallen away, the hunter reigned supreme. Again the distant howl rang out, no longer coming closer and instead the attacking wolf turned and ran off into the forest towards it.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Enrique got to his feet and looked at Julia. Her wolf was golden and glowing in her eyes and although she didn't complete the change into wolf, neither did the changes that had already taken place recede as they had last time. "Let's go to a safe den." he suggested and slipped his good hand into her claws. She followed along behind him silently, human enough to listen, but not human enough to comprehend. When they reached the motorcycle Enrique realized their dilemma. His arm wouldn't work for hours yet, he couldn't handle the bike like this. Julia licked his cheek and slid onto the front of hte bike, understanding the issue but not able to speak in this half form.

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