Snag in your plan

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Julia pushed Megan towards the back door and got her outside but felt a hand grab a fistful of her hair and yank her back  inside. She grabbed at the hand and tried to pull the fingers out but someone grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her.

"Let me go you dumb pissants!" she hollered, kicking out behind her and connecting with someone's leg. They swung her around and someone took advantage of her arms being blocked and whaled her in the gut. The air blew out of her in a whoosh and she gasped trying to suck air back in.

"Not so tough now are you you little bitch?" Mat said harshly. "Grab her legs." he ordered his goons. Julia kept kicking out but the much bigger guys grabbed her legs and hauled her ass over to one of the tables. "You think that smacking my brother around makes you hot shit. But this is my town, meat. You've gotta know your place." he warned. "I will make your life a living hell." he walked over and leaned close to her face. "You're nothing special. And I will break you and turn you to my purpose." he warned, breathing down on her face. Then he started to slap her hard across the face.  She felt each blow resonant through her skull and the pressure under her skin started to swell. She almost stopped feeling the blows entirely, the pain in her chest was sharp stabbing compared to the dull slap against her face. The anger burst out and she turned her head and snapped, biting down on his hand.

Mat screamed and jerked his hand back and Julia tasted blood. A spasm rocked her body, her limbs jerking with a force far greater than her tiny frame could ever hope to generate. A hoarse grunt tore from her now bloody lips as Julia arched, back cracking loudy with the unaccustomed flexing.

"Shit!" one of her attackers swore. "Hold her! DO NOT LET HER GO!" he ordered and dimly Ju realized it was Mat. Only he sounded terrified now.

The pain was making her blackout. It was as if every bone in her body were bending to just this side of the breaking point, every muscles and tendon stretched to it's farthest limit. It hurt too bad to scream or cry, instead Julia could only endure.

"Old One warned us! She told us!" one of the goons cried out hysterically. "We have to push calm on her." he told the others, panic clear in his voice. And then the doors to the burger joint burst open.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" a darkly dangerous voice growled, no longer quite human.

"We're keeping her from changing so CALM DOWN!" Mat snarled back.

What are they talking about? Julia thought in a brief, pain free moment. But there was too much around her, the fear of the attack, the anger and hatred and panic swirling in the air. The pressure under her skin was a million angry motes of pain, digging their way to freedom, the pain in her skull a bone grinding agony. And she could feel her body hyperventilating. Don't pass out. Don't loose it. Whatever happens: DO. NOT. FIGHT. IT. Julia fought herself mentally. They could not provoke her into a breakdown, no matter what they thought. This was HER body, her WILL to fight and she was too pig headed and stubborn to quit.

BREATHE DAMMIT! She ordered herself, hearing Graham order her to do the exact same thing next to her ear.

"Let her go. Or suffer the consequences." Enrique told the others calmly, somehow more terrifying for his lack of audible emotion than any raging fury could ever be. The hands fled Julia and she curled into a fetal ball, trying to hold onto the pieces of herself she felt break off and shatter.

"She's too far gone. Oh shit, the old one's gonna skin us alive!" one of the goons wailed.

Julia couldn't pay attention to their arguement. She curled up on the table, writhed around until she had her head pressed to the table and against her knees, kneeling and compact.

"What's going on?" Megan asked, tears in her voice, fear radiating off of her in a sickly perfume.

Julia slammed a hand against the table top. It looked malformed, finger bones elongated into scythe like claws, skin stretched horribly to cover inhuman musculature. She dragged half form claws down against the table and slammed her hand down again. The claws were shorter, the hand less disfigured. With a final slam, a once more human hand cracked the table and Julia slumped down, entirely unconscious.

"That's impossible. No one can stop the change that far gone." one of the rogue wolves breathed.

"You have no idea what an Omega is capable of. Now call the Alpha," Graham ordered the older men, "or I'll call my father himself."

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