Opposing Sides

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"We should tell her." the Old One advised sagely.

"No!" snapped the Alpha, pacing to try and burn off the anger without violence. He had to control the emotions and keep his wolf at bay. The more he let the animal lead, the more the madness robbed him of his humanity. He took a deep breath and repeated his original arguement. "We know that she is an Omega, with the ability to affect our Pack. But she is unstable and will only make us worse. If she were whole, we would gladly accept her in and hope her unique.... strengths would help ease our suffering and heal us. But she is not. You said so yourself, she suffers an affliction of constant pain. How could she hope to cope with our madness ontop of her own suffering? No. Her power, brought into our Pack will just drag us all down."

The Old One watched her Alpha with cold eyes. She knew he was getting worse, and even though werewolves were not, infact bound by the call of the moon, they did find the full moon usually too tempting to resist. And of course this Halloween would have a full moon, it was too cliche not to. SHe just hoped that the strange wolves prowling the outskirts of their Pack's territory would be intelligent enough to stay away. But she had a sinking suspicion that these weren't innocent, packless babies trying to find a new home.

"Adam, we need to tell her what she is. If not the Omega part, then at least her heritage as a wolf. She has suvived this long without a Pack, she can continue doing so. But it is cruel to expect a young girl like her to deal with all the issues of being were without understanding the cause of it all." she tried to persuade.

"Have you watched her? Once aware of what she is, she'll be even more dangerous." he rejected. "You and I both know that the other wolves are drawn to her. How could they not be? She is Omega, supposed to be an end to their suffering. A piece of Pack hierarchy that offers protection without cost. You think I haven't noticed how even my own son acts around her?" he scoffed. It was amusing to him that his son, the next Alpha, was being seduced by a creature like the Omega. 

In the genetic evolution of the werewolf, certain traits were passed on in a heredetary fashion. Thus the Alpha mating pair would most likely give birth to the next generation of alpha's. There were other wolves that had greater than average strength and size, or ones that were able to heal near fatal wounds. Of course the advantages were usually associated with certain deficiancies elsewhere. The Alpha line had the advantage of controlling the wolves around them. They had the others submit to their control and rule. In return they offered protection from other wolves and kept their society safe. However, most Alphas were more prone to loose their humanity after being alive too long. They did not deal well with change. Those wolves with increased size and strength were also those that had more difficulties healing after being wounded. The wolves that were more submissive, accepted the protection of the others, helped make the pack a restful and secure place to be, and in return their submissiveness they are the wolves that tend to have a more complete balance between their animal and human halves, giving them a higher probability of blending in with society and surviving for a great length of time.

If a human being were infected instead of born were wolf, they had their own traits as well as inhereting the traits from their 'parent' wolf. But the Omega trait was rare; the humans that could be Omega were rarely ever attacked and turned into wolves, and the Omega's didn't breed true every generation. On top of that, many wolf packs were hostile to Omegas because they operated outside of the usual pack hierarchy. They could disobey the Alpha, felt no need to engage in dominance battles nor were they forced to protect less dominant wolves as  the alphas were. Wolves that could manipulate the draíochta of the Pack, use hte 'magic' as it were, were the most rare. Those wolves were like the Old One, not a witch as was understood in the old days, instead, a were wolf that was born with the natural ability to gather the energy of all the wolves that were pack and use that energy for a specific purpose. She could affect the wolves within the pack with skill, wolves outside of the pack with effort and humans with great difficulty. The trade off for that great ability was a complete inability to breed. Never would they have hteir own cubs, instead the lived a very long time, acting as the memory and historian for a Pack.

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