And then time flies

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After Julia's little outburst during the, she never really resettled. Everyday she felt like there were little grains of gravel under her skin, irritating, prickling and grinding. Her head felt stuffed with sawdust and she was loosing her grip on her temper more and more.

"Ju," Enrique plunked himself down beside her, "I'm dragging your scrawny ass to my dojo. You need to work out some of your aggression before I slap you silly." he warned half jokingly. Even he'd started to get irritated with her. And he knew it wasn't like she wanted to be snarling at everyone.

Julia buried her head in her hands. "Anything that can help with this I'll try. I'm sorry I've been captain of the hell bitch squad lately guys." she mumbled through her hands to her friends. Megan, Andrew and Enrique all ate lunch with her with a few of their friends coming over from time to time on their spares. Tiffany sat with them now. She was a sweet but plump girl. And plump was being kind to her. But despite bad acne, being overweight, and having some questionable taste in fashion, she was entirely lovable. It didn't matter how nasty Ju's mood was, Tiff was always sweet and kind. It actually drove Julia a little nuts sometimes. Every now and then Ju had a near overwhelming urge to push Tiff until she snapped and got nasty. It was an unkind impulse and she always buried it down, but it made her hands shake sometimes.

Graham would come over and sit with Julia whenever she appeared alone. It was weird being near him after he saw her have one of her outbursts. He was always watching her out of hte corner of his eye. And he always had a self satisfied smile on his face nowadays too. Amusingly enough Megan had a crush on Graham and Enrique had an inexplicable dislike of the other guy. Ju just figured it was typical guy jealousy, both Enrique and Graham were attractive and probably used to having all the attention. SO whenever Enrique would come over, Graham would shortly thereafter leave. They never discussed it, it was probably part of the unwritten guy rule somehow.

Today the headache was bad and it was making her neck stiff. Graham had been awkwardly giving her a back massage. The massage was nice but it was awkward because Julia got antsy anytime he was out of her line of sight. She really didn't like having someone behind her where she couldn't watch him. He felt her discomfort and gave up the massage with a sigh. So he settled in next to her and watched the school yard with a disinterested gaze until he spotted Enrique come out for lunch. Without a word he slipped away while Julia watched her friends wander over. And the headache continued to pound throguh her skull and nausea drove any thoguh of eating food from her mind.

"It's alright bitch queen. You just need to get laid." Andrew joked.

"Quiet troll boy." Ju growled jokingly.

"Oh I'm trembling." he teased back and Julia couldn't help but laugh. She bared her teeth at him and gave surprisingly realistic sounding growl. The threat was very real feelnig and tension sky rocketed.

Break the panic! she scolded herself. "Was that my stomach?" She asked, looking wide eyed. Everyone laughed and the tension was broken as they all teased her about not eating enough. Forced into choking down food she had no desire to eat, all to keep up the ruse, Julia couldn't help but wonder, why did I growl like that?

The question bothered her all the way back into class. It was drama and the teacher was making her casting announcements.  No one had gotten away without doing an actual audtion, and frankly there had been some very amusing interpretations of the big bad wolf and little red. Ju had been terrified that the teacher would stick her as little red riding hood due to her small size but thankfully she'd landed one of the lighting jobs. It meant she'd spend the entire production up on one of the cat walks, out of the line of sight of everyone, just the way she liked it. And tonight was the first of the parent teacher discussion nights.

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