Chapter Four - Meeting

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Scott's PoV

We all stared at Stiles, waiting for him to elaborate. 

"Okay, so. There was this big, bad organization called WICKED," He began. I snapped my fingers as I remembered something. "I heard my dad mention that once! Didn't it stand for something weird?" 

"I was getting there, Scotty. Shut." He glared at me before making a zip movement across his lips. "My twin brother and a bunch of other kids were kidnapped by this weirdo place and they grew up there to be subjects for an experiment where these delusional scientists tried to make a really contagious and deadly disease to get rid of world overpopulation." 

"They were then put through a bunch of challenges called 'Trials' to make this disease they called 'The Flare', they were told it was real and they were trying to make a cure. They escaped WICKED and were put into this place they called 'The Safe Haven', it was created by the main person of WICKED, who was sick and legitimately thought they were making a cure for this disease." 

"The FBI got a tip about WICKED and figured out where the Safe Haven was, broke in, and took everyone back to their families. Now I've got a twin brother and two other people living with me because their families are dead. Cool, right?" 

Stiles didn't breath throughout his entire explanation. He stopped talking to take a giant breath. "Whooo. So that's what's been goin' on for me. How's summer goin'?" He grinned at all of our stunned faces. 

"Uhm... well, we're going to meet up with everyone else soon. Excited for that!" I said, bouncing a bit as I watched everyone laugh at my response. It's not my fault! I wanted to see Allison. Who wouldn't want to see their girlfriend?! 

"Alrighty, Scotty-boy. Anything else to worry about?" 

~~~~~~~~~~PoV Switch Brought to You by Page 250~~~~~~~~~~ 

Minho's PoV

"Your twin is weird. And what did he mean by 'saving the world'?" Newt was currently sitting next to me on Tommy's new bed as said boy was pacing the floor of his room. "I don't know, Min. And yes, he is very weird. But it's kind of... endearing?"

Newt snorted. "Endearing. I think that might be the biggest word you've said yet, Tommy." Thomas glared at our not-so-dead friend. I rose an eyebrow, watching the increasingly irritated greenbean. 

"As long as my brother keeps talking like he does, we won't have to talk. You realize they're going to ask about WICKED as soon as he stops talking, don't you?" Thomas finished speaking and gave us a tired look. 

"I know, Thomas. Which is why we have to figure out a way to just keep him talking." I said. I stood up and placed an arm on his upper arm, a little under his shoulder. "But for now, we're free, Tommy. We're free." 

His face seemed to crumble as he remembered that. "It feels unreal... what do we do now? We wanted to be regular kids... but can we even be regular kids?" The sun-tanned boy was quiet. "I mean, we spent our entire lives as kids raised to be traumatized. The entire point was to traumatize and keep battering at us until we weren't strong enough to build this disease to get rid of humanity." 

"We were subjects, Minho. What if we spent too much time as subjects to where... to where we can't be human?" Thomas finished his little rant and I slapped him. Newt stood up as soon as I slapped him and got in-between us. 

"Minho!" "What?! That dumb shank needs to snap out of it! So what if we were subjects?! We're not anymore. So you need to stop thinking of us like that! We HAVE to be human, Thomas! I will not be a subject again. And you won't either if I have any say in it." 

My voice was a growl as I saw realization dawn on Newt's face. "You're right.." Thomas sighed and his shoulders slumped. "I'm tired of running. But I'm so used to running... this is going to take awhile to get used to." 

Newt turned to him and gave Thomas a (slightly awkward; albeit, comforting) side hug. Thomas seemed to crumble into Newt's side like a crushed piece of paper. The mom of our friends led the greenie to the bed. 

"Shh, it's okay. Just let it all out." Newt's voice was calming. Honestly, he should be a podcast host. Thomas' sobs came out as hiccups and I could hear his struggle to breath. I sat on Thomas' other side and moved my head to where it was resting on his back as he was still bawling into Newt's chest. 

It was a little while of this, he settled against the brunette's muscled back as his voice started to grow softer as his crying stopped and fell asleep. Newt had started humming a song I didn't know. It was soft and slow-ish, and it sounded like a mother's lullaby. 

I could feel my eyelids droop from the combination of the gentle song and Thomas' soft breaths. It didn't take long for me to fall into a deep rest. Somehow, I could still hear the quiet humming and it just lulled me deeper into the dark abyss that was my mind. 


3rd PoV

It was quiet in the three Gladers' shared room. The sheriff of Beacon Hills was sat at in the dining room's table, sipping a small cup of muddy whiskey. It didn't take too long for him to realize it was quiet in the boys' room. He sat quietly for a few minutes, yet not even the sound of footsteps or quiet voices creeped downstairs. 

The sheriff felt like a bucket of ice water was poured over him. A cold panic spread through his body. He felt his breath hitch as he knocked back the rest of his drink and slowly walked up the stairs, trying to mask the sound of his footfalls if there was an intruder. 

Their door was closed as he reached it. Noah stood outside their door for another few minutes, still not hearing voices. He reached a shaking hand down to the doorknob and felt the cold metal shock him back to reality and out of his worry. 

He turned the doorknob, letting it creak open to see... 

A pile of three, exhausted boys. Minho had Thomas wrapped in his arms as the sheriff's son had his head resting on Newt's. They were all fast asleep. The happy dad could now hear the soft snoring that came from the three teenagers. 

Feeling a sharp pang of warmth in his stomach, he smiled. He was glad to see his son had such good friends. The sheriff made a vow to himself right then and there. He was not going to let anyone harm a hair on their heads, even if it was the last thing he did. 

1202 words.

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