Chapter 14 - Coverup

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3rd PoV

"Lydia, what's up?" Allison whispered to her friend, their arms intertwined. "What their tattoos said. Are the others listening?" She looks towards Scott and smiles slightly when she sees his nod.

"Great. Thomas' tattoo said 'To be killed by Group B'. Minho's said 'The Leader', and Newt's said 'The Glue'. What do you think it means?" Scott looks shocked at the fact someone tattooed a death sentence on a teenager.

"That's fucked up." Malia states plainly. They all agree. "I wonder if they'll ever tell us what it means." Scott had walked over to them as he spoke, so that those without superhearing could still hear their Alpha's words.

"I doubt it." Stiles shrugs. "They're not big on family therapy times. From what I heard from mine and Scott's dads, I don't think they're going to want to share either. Trauma isn't exactly fun to talk about."

Scott sighs. "But it would be best for us to know. How could they hide that from their friends?" Allison chuckles lightly at the disgust in Stiles' eyes from that sentence. "How long did it take you to tell your mom?" Lydia asks innocently, though they all know it wasn't exactly innocent.

"...Good point." Scott sighs. "I just wish we could help more. I feel like we could help if we understood what they went through." "Scotty, that's not your place to force help onto someone. Or to expect them to talk about something that sucked balls. My brother referred to it as Hell, and you want him to just talk about it to someone he barely knows?"

Scott practically whines at that, and his tail would droop if he had one at that moment. "Yeah, but..." Stiles pats his back. "It's okay, buddy. Don't worry about it. If they need something, I'm sure they'll ask. And if they wanna tell us about their hell, they will. It's cool if we don't know anything. Scott, we're keeping a secret from them. They can keep their own."

The True Alpha seemed like he wanted to argue further, but he knew that his friends were right. God, what would he do without them? "You're right. Sorry. I got ahead of myself." "As usual," Malia grumbles, getting hit lightly on the shoulder by Kira.

They're brought out of their conversation when the Trio returns to their table after getting lunch. "This shuckin' food makes me miss Frypan's cookin'." Minho grumbles to himself and Thomas snickers. "I didn't know missing his food was possible, but good that."

"I don't think I'll ever understand your slang," Kira jokes slightly. "They're Glader terms. Thomas didn't learn them too long ago." Newt explains. "It still sounds wrong when he uses them." Minho punches Thomas' shoulder.

"You guys are insane." Lydia laughs at their antics, digging into her food finally. "How are you guys enjoying your second day of school?" Scott asks. "I don't understand how many of the people here are sick. Are you guys always just that red constantly?"

"And people don't stop tripping in front of me. It's weird. How is almost the school's entire population clumsy and sick?" Thomas looks genuinely confused about it. Stiles and Minho burst out laughing, the others joining in on the laughter soon after the first two do.

"What? I don't get it!" Thomas was frustrated with them laughing at him. He crossed his arms with a slight pout, which made them laugh even harder. "What a ladies man, didn't think you'd get that many, you're an ugly shank. They must be jacked to find you attractive." Minho is chuckling as realization finally sets in.

Allison smiles, still laughing at his obliviousness. "You're attractive. The girls like you, Thomas." "Huh." Thomas goes quiet, face flushed at the laughing and at the lack of realization. Newt was still grinning when he smacked Thomas' back. "Don't get a big head, Greenie. It doesn't need to be any larger."

Thomas huffs and begins to eat his lunch, the laughter dying out finally. "Why does my twin get girls and I don't?! We're identical!" Stiles groans loudly, taking on the same pouting face. "And I'm funny. Don't girls like funny men?"

"Man? Where?" Malia snickers. "Oh, wow. Haha. I get it. I'm not a man. I see how it is." Stiles scrunches up his face with a mocking tone. "Hey, I didn't say that." Malia chuckles. "Here, Sti. I'll explain. Thomas has muscles. You're skin and bones." Lydia smiles.

"Way to make someone feel insecure. I'm sorry I'm not-" He cuts himself off. "...As freakishly athletic as you guys are." The pause in his sentence isn't unnoticed by the Ivy Trio and they all share a look.

Why did he stop talking? What exactly was Stiles going to say before stopping himself? If he's hiding something, who is he hiding it from? From the glances at them, they all knew who was being left out of the loop.

Scott lets out a sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding. He thought that they'd find out for a second. They really needed to get out of the habit of talking about supernatural things so frequently, and in public.

He'll bring it up at their next Pack meeting.

The rest of lunch went without a hitch, thankfully. Before something caught Thomas' eye. "Who's that? Why's she sitting alone?" Thomas points at a girl with caramel hair that fell just below her shoulders. She looked nervous and was curled in on herself.

She looks kind of like Teresa, Thomas thinks to himself, a pang of sadness hitting him at the thought. "That's Tracy Stewart. She's pretty shy, doesn't really have friends. Why?" Lydia answers his question, looking at Thomas with confusion.

"She just looks like someone I used to know," Thomas explains vaguely. "Who?" Scott asks before he can stop himself. "Her name was Teresa. One of our friends." Stiles raises an eyebrow. "A friend, or more?" Allison teases.

"A friend." Thomas' voice goes harsh and he gives them a flat stare. Newt places a hand on Thomas' shoulder and he relaxes. "Sorry." he mumbles, lamely. "It's okay." Allison smiles. She wasn't expecting that reaction.

Lydia eyes them wearily. What happened with this Teresa girl for Thomas to have reacted like that? This trio gets more and more interesting by the day. And more complicated, she thinks with a sigh. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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