Chapter Twelve - Pack

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3rd PoV

Stiles lay awake in bed. The brunette shifts and looks to the side, glimpsing the alarm clock blinking bright red. 4:43 am. Stiles throws off his blankets and sits up, grabbing his bag. Scott had called for a meeting very late.

Scott said he needed to make sure that no one else heard. Whatever that means. Stiles doesn't struggle with staying up late anymore. Sometimes sleep was too hard of a land for him to reach. The Nogitsune had ruined all future sleep possibilities.

Sneaking down the stairs was even more difficult than he thought it would be. He knew that his brother and his brothers' friends have very good hearing. The human was afraid that he'd wake them up.

He sighed quietly when he heard their snores. Perfect. Stiles grabbed the keys to Roscoe and leaves the house, quietly unlocking her doors. He hums quietly and climbs into the car. Stiles drives as quickly as he could to Derek's.

"There you are."

Derek frowned, crossing his arms. "You're late." He rolls his eyes, but opens his doors so that Stiles can enter. "Thank you, Sourwolf." He chuckles and walks in, sitting on the other side of Scott on the couch.

"Alright, as soon as Allison gets here, we'll get started."

Allison arrived about 2-3 minutes later. Scott claps his hands and sits up further. "Okay, everyone's here! Perfect."

"We can't let Thomas, Newt, or Minho find out about us. Under no circumstances. I know we can't let anyone find out in general, but those three can't find out more than anyone. Especially because they're human. We can't have something else happen."

Stiles felt the heat of his Pack's gaze burrowing into his skull. He pretends not to notice. "We were lucky enough with Stiles."

He can't even pretend that the gazes weren't on him as he flinches. Dammit. Whatever. "I know that stuff has been picking up again, but let's seriously try to keep it on the down low. No supernatural things in public. Not even tiny ones. It's too dangerous right now."

The groans were meant to be quiet, but with their supernatural hearing, they all heard each sound of protest.

"I know, I know. But what else could we do?" They all look at each other in thought. Fuck. Scott was right. Unfortunately. Malia frowned. This was going to be hard.

"That also means no crazy shit in PE or lacrosse practice." Scott got many glares from that. "I'll also follow these rules."

Stiles punches Scott lightly with a chuckle. "I'll make sure you don't." Scott smiled. "Thanks, Sti." Comes his response with a shoulder bump as he speaks.

Stiles smiled to himself. He could be useful. Thankfully. He's not sure what would happen if he couldn't be useful. You know.

The brunette shakes away the thought. No. They'd leave you, Stiles. As soon as you weren't helpful to them.

He naturally leans on the couch, ignoring the rest of his Pack's conversation. Stiles' eyes slip closed as he rests them. He needed to stop. Take a break.

Maybe tonight's the night.

513 words.

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