Chapter Six

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Again, the handsome man left Claudia flustered.

And again, someone was around to see it.

However, David allowed the moment at the door to be forgotten, for now, and the pair dived into their Bible study/sharing session.

"This connects beautifully, as the entirety of the Word does, but It's something special here. I know you love the correlations, I do as well, but especially here," David ranted to Claudia, not holding back his excitement to read the Word and do it with his little girl.

Claudia smiled softly at him and signed. 'Go on,'

She loved hearing him speak about the Bible and his numerous finds. He loved connecting pieces, studying, anything that had to do with the Bible.

She certainly inherited it from both parents.

Her mother loved reading the Word. She was bubbly as champagne when she read it.

"Psalm 133 speaks about the literal majesty of unity in the body of Christ, here it says, 'Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, coming down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard, coming down upon the edge of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon coming down upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing-- life forever."

David sighed with gladness. The Word of God did wonders in his mind. And even when he didn't understand, it was still wonderful just to listen.

"Now, this chapter alone is something, but when you read it with Philippians 1:27-2:18, it ties it together, unity through Christ, helping your brothers if they are in need, thinking of others, serving, having oneness in the body of Christ as He is returning for a Body, Bride, the Church, this shows always that the Word of God is perfect and never contradicts itself. And it also shows the importance of reading in context. I tell you, Claud," David shook his head.

"I would just pick a verse and hold onto it, not knowing the power of the entire book. It's okay to like a specific verse, but you miss out on the entire perfection of the Word when you pick and choose. We don't have a natural desire to know the Word of God and to obey His commandments, and because of that, we can't abide in Him. It is impossible for man to know God without knowing His Word, and it is impossible to know His Word and not know His commandments. But what many Christians today miss, is that context is key. A verse in Proverbs," He paused and tapped his foot while racking his mind for the verse.

Claudia watched entertained. His rants were the best.

And he always forget to finish his statements because he was so excited.

She wasn't upset, she read the study before coming, as always, because her father was an avid reader of the Word. He couldn't contain his excitement, which led to endless loopholes while reading the Word.

It was adorable.

"Proverbs 7:18, 'Come, let us drink our fill of love until morning, let us delight ourselves with caresses.' I've seen people use this verse to express desire for their spouse, but they miss the verses before and after. 19 says, 'For my husband is not home, he has gone on a long journey;'. Or another verse, something commonly used in reference to women, but is actually referencing Jerusalem, Psalm 46:5, 'God is within her, she will not fall.' This is not a bad thing, this reference, but it can get dangerous. When we take bits and pieces, but avoid the contextual scripture, we rob ourselves of the Way, Truth, and Life." Once he finished, David took a sip of his water and looked to Claudia for her response.

'He is so right,' She thought.

It was something easy to fall into, using the Bible to find quotes to post on the wall, but it was much more than just a giant book of out-of-context quotes.

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