Chapter Eight

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Either the sounds of an evening gown gracing the hardwood floor


The sound of the viciously calm sea raging peacefully.

How can it be?

The raging sea, vicious and cruel to some who dare to try it,

yet, it is steady as a beating drum, again, a peaceful soothing setting'

Claudia looked out at the steady sea and smiled.

'And somehow, all at once, it echoes the Creator.

A steady, loving, peaceful, calm, soothing Maker.

Yet, when He is tried, all who try, fail miserably.

Cursed is the man who tries the Maker, for just as the raging sea is calm, it still rages.

Steady as the beating drum.

Vicious as a wild beast.

Mysterious, as no man has ventured and found all it holds.

Though, even the sea in all its mysteries, cannot compare to the majesty and wonder of the Maker.

He is Lord of all.

Lord, Creator of the synonymously contradicting oceans.



Matchless in every single way.




Now, the sounds of the angry waters, and the calming waves that survive the creatures of the deep.

Oh, how my heart is endeared by its Maker.

C. Faith.'

And it truly was.

Claudia didn't know everything. She didn't want to know everything.

She didn't understand how the ocean could be so vile, killing thousands, but also sustaining an entire ecosystem.

God was unfathomable, and she loved that truth.

With her notebook closed and ticked away safely in her bag, Claudia took some time to simply enjoy being on the shore.

No work. No thinking.

Just enjoyment.


A seemingly annoyed bird hollered near Claudia.

'Nope.' She shook her head and closed her eyes.

She wanted a few minutes to sit and the bird wouldn't ruin that.

Love, Claudia (BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now