Chapter Twenty-Two

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"River! Man, you look different," Cree noted as he eyed River cautiously.

It'd been a long time since they saw each other, Cree's sabbatical/vacation lasted much longer than he had planned.

River couldn't roll his eyes or disregard Cree's spot-on observation.

He was different.

His life was unbalanced, and he didn't have the tightest grip on his faith or being stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

But now, everything seemed to be in place.

"It's God,"

Cree narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "Yeah, but it's something else too. You seem, don't glare at me or curse, but you seem happy,"

River chuckled at his truthful statement.

Cree used to irk him. He was annoying and loved being a pain in River's neck.

But River grew and learned how to control his annoyance. And now, he liked Cree.

For now.

He would most likely say something to get on River's nerves soon.

"Did you win the lottery?" Cree guessed.

"No," River chuckled again, making Cree scoot away from him.

"You're laughing too much,"

Now, River rolled his eyes. "Is it illegal to laugh, Cree?"

"For you? Yes. You were gloomy and jerkish the last time I saw you, now," Cree hummed and tilted his head in observation. "You're either on drugs, or you're playing a trick on me,"

"I'll end your stupid guessing," River was not on drugs. That was a thing of the past. "God has done something miraculous, and I'm simply grateful. I'm teaching at Gethsemane now, I'm getting a grip on how to live in a wheelchair, and I have the most beautiful woman in existence by my side, she's perfect,"

Cree's eyes bucked at the soft gushy love tone River spoke with.

"Wow," He murmured. "I've got to meet this most beautiful woman in existence,"

River loved Claudia. He wished they were together now, but she had a life, and so did he.

One day, one day, he'd get to have her and keep her.

Cree gagged. "Oh, please stop looking with that lovey look, she isn't here." He wasn't creeped out by River. The change in him just shell-shocked him. "What does she look like? Show me this woman," He insisted.

River opened his photos and handed the phone to Cree.

He liked taking candids of Claudia. She was beautiful in every way. Anything she did was something to be captured.

Cree swiped through the pictures, and as he swiped, his eyes widened.

"Oh, well, I understand now." He said while staring at a picture of Claudia. "I love her too,"

River took his phone from Cree and put it under his thigh. "Her name's Claudia, she's perfect. She's a poet, and she loves me, I feel like a fool, but she's just so perfect." He could talk all day about Claudia.

Cree sat back quickly and smacked the table. "Wait!"

And he began laughing.

As if he were in awe.

"That's the girl from the Country Club, she blew you a kiss, I remember now." He smacked his forehead. "Wasn't she with a man? How'd that work out? Did you have to fight for her love?" He was intrigued now.

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