Final Author's Note

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This has been a blissful journey

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This has been a blissful journey.

Love, Claudia is officially completed and my favorite story that I've written.

I wrote this while having a busy evening schedule, and it was awesome.

I've grown sooo much since starting and it's always a blessing to notice the growth as the story progresses and things change within the characters.

Things changed within them because they've changed within me.

God is all over this story, in it, around it, He gave me ideas for this, everything. He gets every ounce of glory, though I'll still thank you all for your kind words.

This story was a shift in my perspective.

I wrote every single poem that Claudia made and it helped me trust God with my words. Sometimes I had no clue what I wanted to say, but as I wrote, things would come together and make something beautiful. God is good.

To my readers, thank you all for trusting me to give you something entertaining and hopefully spiritually enriching.

You guys rock! I read all the comments, I appreciate everything, votes, reads, anything.

Thank you.

The main theme of this story, looking back, I believe it's not being speechless. Speaking up about your feelings, speaking to God about any and everything, trusting God to hear you when you speak, speaking the truth in love, speaking about boundaries, speaking about patience, so much speaking was done.

But mostly, when Claudia or River spoke, they spoke because of their faith in God. They were grounded and even if they were unsure, they knew God was sure.

I hope that makes sense.

Anywho, this concludes the first book in the Song of Solomon Series.

I've loved every second of this book.

I hope you have as well!

I recall saying something about Adrian and Diego's past, I'm not sure when it'll be out, but stay tuned.

This is farewell, for now.

I already have a new story in the works, God have me a dream this morning, I wrote it down, so I'm going to be processing a few ideas, face claims, if you have any plus size black face claims, or half black, please let me know! I'm having trouble finding a good fit for my leading lady!

Okay, I'm done now.

I love this story, I love y'all, I love God, and I pray that if you don't know Him this story has shared enough about His Himness and you seek Him. God is beyond words!

Ciao for now!

Jasmyn Tailor

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