Chapter Twenty-One

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Claudia's head rested on River's shoulder as they sailed on the marina.

It was evening. Almost time for the sun to set.

They spent the day together. Existing, talking, listening, falling.

"Tell me something," She murmured and pressed a tender kiss on his jaw. Nothing to linger but to express the way she cared for him. All of him.

River sighed as he thought of what to say.

Honestly, he had a lot on his mind. A lot that revolved around Claudia.

He was in love with her.

She was easy to love. He wanted to love her forever. And ever. And give her all she desired as he gave himself wholly to her.

He loved Claudia.

The way her nose scrunched in thought. The way her smile lit up the night. The way she relaxed around him.

He loved her heart.

Never once did he feel like she looked down at him for being in a chair. She didn't pity him.

She wanted to care for him the day he was in excruciating pain. And when the day passed, she checked on him and touched the depth of his heart.

She was conscientious. Kind. Forgiving. Loving. Peaceful. Faithful. Precious. Gentle. Vivacious. Foxy.


He loved the way she ignited desire within him. He loved that her existence and captivating stare made him pray to God for self-control and stronger faith.

She challenged him to do better. To be a better man. But not for her sake alone, for the sake of pleasing God.

He praised the Lord for teaching him that what he felt for Claudia was right.

His mind was foggy when she was near, but not because they'd awakened passion by acts driven by sexual temptation.


Claudia could smile, and River would be stunned.

It was right.

The purity of her heart aroused his senses.

It was right.

It'd been this way since the beginning, gradually growing into a seemingly unquenchable hunger for the woman called Claudia.

The way he longed for her made him question all that he knew.

Intimacy was a portion of his craving.

The moments as they held each other, gazing, whispering, loving, fulfilling, butterfly kisses, her head on his chest listening to the satisfying pounding beat.

Simple moments as they lay awake, still, hands intertwined, love being made without the blessed act, only two lovers whispering, "I love you," with nothing but a stare.

Sunday morning, a spin around the kitchen as the biscuits bake. So caught up in love, kisses that leave them breathless, so captivated that the biscuits burn.

He wanted life with Claudia.

Countless times he stopped himself from dreaming of Claudia as his blushing wife—the mother of his children.

She would be kind and loving—a nurturer to their little ones. Gently teaching with words, not knowing how they'd watch her and grow to be kind as she displayed throughout their youth.

"I love you."

He lifted her chin and kissed the tip of her nose. "I love you."

Claudia's eyes filled with tears, and her heart did flips.

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