chapter 15

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The blonde ANBU made it home in time to see Hikaru walk from the bathroom to the bedroom on his hands, singing about the new ANBU in Gama squad. Angel blinked, Naruto face palmed, and both just quietly collapsed on the couch, vowing to never speak of the incident again.


Naruto shot up half an hour later when Kurama's voice rang in his head. It had been awhile since the fox had called him anything resembling a non insult.

Yes, Kurama?

…It's nothing. Just go to sleep. Kurama grumbled after a minute. Naruto sighed at his sort of friend's attitude.

No. You've been like this since I failed to use four tails, Kurama. What is with you?

Go to the forest of death and enter your mindscape. We'll talk there. Confused, Naruto replaces himself with a shadow clone, letting Angel sleep on the fake's stomach and silently put on his shoes. With a look back towards his bedroom door the blonde quietly leaves for a place he dreaded.

With Dragon hours earlier…

The commander of ANBU had to be the best in the forces. He had to be on par with a kage, be able to keep a cool head in the most dire of situations, and have the ability to step in if the Hokage died in battle.

Dragon had all those things, and still found it difficult to face his underlings, both of whom were technically older than him.

"We'll discuss this later. For now, Kakashi prepare the lighting ninjutsu and Tiger try to keep him boxed in with your Mokuten. No, go!" Dragon ordered and activated his cursed eye.

Han stared impassively at his attackers- clearly Konoha- but inside both he and Kokuo were nervous. So far he could pick apart the two shinobi but this new one…

Be careful, that one has the Mangekyo. He's dangerous, we should retreat. Kokuo was advising frantically. Han would head that advice, if only it wasn't impossible with this empty terrain. Perfect for his boil release as targets couldn't hide.

It was also perfect for his new opponent as well it seemed. Only crossing his arms in an x stopped a shunshin to the throat. After images filled the space around him, making the Jinchuuriki have to dodge both a shunshin master and wooden spikes.

"Lightning style: Electromagnetic murder!" Kakashi pushed his chakra into Han, managing to puncture the mechanism for his steam.

"Shit" Han cursed and did a spiral spin to avoid multiple wooden spikes. Contrary to popular belief, Han was very flexible, and was able to get inside his opponent's openings. With two hand signs a stream of steam shoots out of his hands at the Mokuten user. Only for it to catch fire as a wood clone. Ducking, he avoids a cartwheel kick and grabs the Dragon-masked one's leg and crushes down hard. The man just hisses and another lighting jutsu impales the other side of his armor, this time paralyzing Han for a moment. Four tails of his version one cloak erupt again after disapeering when he believed the fight to be over- before the fast one joined in-and he was regretting it now. Still swinging his capture around Han caught Kakashi in his range.

"Errupting strong foot" using the last of his boiling steam Han rockets the copy ninja away towards Tenzo, and only survived as his Sharingan allowed him to see the attack in time to block the brunt of it aimed at his chest. Needless to say Kakashi would be hurting in the morning.

"Wood style: smothering binding technique" Tenzo wheezed, a bit out of chakra. His reserves were never anything special and today was taxing them. Wooden vines captured Han, immobilizing and draining the demonic chakra. Han was already pushing through it, though he dropped Dragon and the man used a shunshin to land next to Tenzo.

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