chapter 30

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With Naruto, outside his apartment…

Naruto watched in amusement as the four chibis squirmed, Konohamaru then realizing something.

"Hey! You're that ANBU from forever ago that let me call you boss! And that meany from the Academy trap course!" Konohamaru blurted out and flutily pointed at him. Naruto felt his eye twitching, not particularly enjoying the memory of that day.

Flashback, within four months of Naruto joining Ro…

Sitting in a tree watching the 'honorable grandson' skip out on private tutoring was not Naruto's idea of a good time. Sure, being stuck with Ebisu sucked, but Naruto resented being assigned this farce of a mission after Hikaru blamed him for clogging the locker room toilets at HQ. Worse yet was that Dragon- sama knew it was Hikaru's doing but said Naruto 'needed to connect with the next generation' or something; Naruto decided to use the mission time to attempt to draw a seal that would make Dragon- sama pick someone else to bother.

Thankfully, clones and Angel meant Naruto got to rest in the shade instead of in the muggy spring sunlight. Konohamaru kept being a brat and making Angel grow so he could ride her; the poor Hell Cat just wanted to nap away the heat.

"Oi, quit picking on Angel, brat; she's an ANBU animal, not some pet you can order around." Naruto ordered, his glare hidden by his mask but tone conveying his feelings perfectly. Konohamaru huffed.

"Tsk, what you going to do about it? I'm the Third Hokage's grandson, and you're just an ANBU; you have to listen to what I say."

"Hah! I only answer to my superior shinobi officers and the Hokage, of which you are neither." Naruto scoffed.

"W- well, you still should listen to me! Especially since I'm going to be Hokage one day!" The academy student tried to release killing intent to look intimidating.

"Not with that attitude you're not; do you even know what a Hokage does?"

"Of course I do! A Hokage is the strongest in the village and kicks other people's butts and is loved by all" Konohamaru replies instantly. Naruto rolls his eyes, realizing the boy was like he used to be.

"Not really, no. Sure, a Hokage is loved and respected for their accomplishments, but they do more than just 'kick people's butts'. A Hokage sacrifices everything, they are the last to celebrate a victory and the first casualty to protect the village. They love everyone who is loyal to our village, from the tiniest newborn to the most senile elder. However, a Hokage would sacrifice any one of these people for the greater good and still force themselves to be human. Do you love as a Hokage does? Do you have a heart of steel that loves unconditionally?"

With each sentence, Naruto felt his conviction steel, felt his loyalty to his kage deepen. How could he judge a man that sacrificed everything and still saw the light? Naruto knew he would never be a Hokage, even if he felt he could make those sacrifices, and that he wouldn't want to be.

Konohamaru, however, only looked readier for the hat.

"I do! I promise I will be the best Hokage ever, and protect the village even better than my grandfather."

"Then I look forward to serving under you, Konohamaru Sarutobi." Naruto said with warmth. Angel nodded along, still not completely understanding what was happening and decided to take a nap. Konohamaru ignored her.

"Y- you said my name" He said in awe. Naruto cocked an eyebrow.

"Yes… why wouldn't I?"

"Nobody does. Jiji named me after the village, but every one calls me 'honorable grandson' or ignores me." Here, the child shuffled under Naruto's intense gaze. Naruto held it, before scoffing.

from Academy to Anbu by theriku260Where stories live. Discover now