chapter 31

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Anyways, onto the chapter, at the end will be an AMAZING announcement! Hold onto your seats.

Outside Konoha walls, two days before the exams…

Naruto leaped from tree to tree, not appreciating the last minute preparations that fell to him. Why Jiraiya didn't tell him weeks ago that the western forest needed extra traps for their 'visiters' he would never know, but the toad sage had his ire. Waking up before dawn on his supposed 'day off' before their last checks tomorrow was not the blond's idea of fun.

At least the sunrise was nice. Naruto bounded up the tallest tree in the area, breathing in the fresh morning air. In two days it would be coppery, smelling of death, misery, war. The genin on the training grounds, including Sasuke whose yell could be heard as Kakashi-senpai continued to kick him around, were clueless to the battles ahead.

'That could have been me, Kurama. I could have ended up just like them, naive to what was happening.' Naruto mentally mused. He heard a disgruntled snort.

'Must you be so loud runt? I was sleeping away Shukaku's stench.'

''Is that really something you can sleep off, though?' He cheekily replied. A roar loud enough to jolt him from the branch was his partner's response. Naruto was glad he could still have humor knowing there was a large chance he wouldn't be able to for a long while.

Casualties in war were common, after all. ANBU and genin- the top and bottom in ranks- had the highest chance of not making it out of an invasion unscathed. One because their higher skills demanded them face off against a horde of enemies, and the other because they were the weak links to exploit.

'I promise I'll do what I can to protect you all.' The blond ANBU vowed, gaze steeled on his village. Annoyance at the early morning was gone, replaced by protective instincts. Kurama snorted as his host headed to the head quarters with a plan to make yet another batch of seals. The fox didn't say anything though, as without them, Naruto would be a nervous mess not fitting of a Jinchuuriki.

"Naruto you've made fifteen explosive seals in the last hour for each ANBU agent; please stop. You need rest." Yugao had been called in by Hawk who was frankly freaked out at the speed and intensity of their kohai. Normally Dragon or the other members of Ro would deal with it, but their commander had just nodded approvingly at Mouse and Yugao was the only free member of their squad.

"I'm fine, Yugao-senpai" he protested.

"No, Naruto, you're not. Otherwise you wouldn't still be here at ten pm when you got here at what time again?"

"Before six am" Hawk quipped.

"Exactly. Now come back for some dinner and sleep or I'll knock you out myself." Yugao warned.

Naruto sighed. "Fine. It's just… what if we lose?"

"We've had months to prepare and our forests are death traps; how exactly would we lose?" This made Naruto just sag further.

"No, I mean what about our squad? You and Hikaru-senpai have to stay near wherever the Hokage is, Taicho is helping Dragon-sama on the main wall, and that just leaves Deidara and I. What if one of us doesn't make it back? Or the genin, or even Hokage-sama?"

All valid fears, Yugao realized. Naruto had never lost a squad member, never saw one of his academy peers stare glossy eyed at the sky. He never had someone close to him fall for the greater good. And that could change so, so easily in this invasion. Or the war sure to follow.

Not to mention Naruto himself had a high probability of death from fighting the Suna Jinchuuriki. He may have fifteen extra scrolls of water (leading Dragon-sama to cover up why the local hot springs were 'missing' their supply) and chakra chains, but what use were those when a lucky kunai to the heart could end it all? Konoha's Jinchuuriki may be an unknown entity (as they liked it), but that didn't make him any less of a target. And he would be fighting the trump card with orders to either capture or eliminate. The shinobi council made it clear that if he was able to cripple or kill Gaara they'd be 'very proud', and that failure would be 'most disappointing for a Jinchuuriki'.

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