chapter 34

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"How is Hokage-sama? And did we kill Orochimaru?" He asked. The medic stiffened mid smile and looked away.

"I think that's a conversation you and I should have after your report, Mouse." Dragon-sama's voice drifted quietly by his ear. Standing behind him, bloody yet relatively unharmed, was his commander. Naruto kept his voice even, but his eyes betrayed his worry.


"Just… follow me, Mouse." His commander passed a spare mask to him, and the pair began a slow jog back to the village, a grim commander and worry filled ANBU agent lost in their thoughts.

The invasion was won, but what was the cost? Naruto wondered this and more as his village passed by him, bathed in blood.

What was the cost of victory?

With Naruto Konoha Hospital…

Naruto stared stoically at the monitors keeping its patient alive. To see such a shinobi reduced to a breathing mask amongst a body of bandages was what shocked the young ANBU more than words could express.

"H-how did he...end up like this?" Naruto asked his commander. The man leaned against the wall near the window, seemingly staring at nothing. However, Naruto knew his commander, could tell the minute tensing of the shoulders that gave away the anger and weariness.

"He was lucky- facing off against two resurrected Kage and the traitor would have meant certain death for anyone else. Of course, your squad members protected him true shinobi." Naruto sucked in a breath.

"Wolf-senpai, Cat-senpai… Dragon-sama, did they?" He couldn't finish his sentence.

"They're alive, though Cat is in a coma, much like Hokage-sama here. Wolf is busy tracking Orochimaru's escape route."

"So he survived…" Naruto spat bitterly; the whole point of Hokage-sama fighting was to kill the bastard and yet he got away while the man Naruto viewed as a grandfather (despite their rocky past) lay on death's door.

"Not without injuries. He won't last long without the medical expertise of someone Tsunade-sama's calibre...nor will Hokage-sama."

"We haven't had Tsunade-sama in the village for decades, though, and only the Hokage can order her back." Naruto pointed out.

"Which is exactly what I'm doing." Dragon said.

"...Huh?!" Dragon seemed to smirk under his mask.

"Yes, Hokage-sama saw fit to saddle me with the ball and chain of the job, the bastard. We were planning on announcing it to the village after the invasion, but all the paperwork is in place to put as incumbent should he be out for the count but still alive. The Daimyo himself approved of it."

Naruto felt an odd mix of emotions. On one hand he was elated his commander was going to be the Hokage. Nobody else had the leadership skills Dragon-sama had, not to mention he'd get to see who he was under the mask. oOn the other hand, having Dragon-sama be Hokage would no doubt mean no shinobi could rest.

'Eh, if I have to put up with it, those slacker chunin can too. Let's make way for the slave driver Hokage.'

"I can sense you thinking something that would land you as my sparring partner, Mouse." Dragon mused. Instantly the ANBU was at attention. "No matter, I have an S-ranked mission for you." Naruto gulped at the heaviness of the room, but just nodded to show he accepted. Dragon-sama tilted his head in approval. "I would normally have you stay near the village, as we need our Jinchuuriki. However, with our forces exhausted, and many chunin and ANBU facing retirement if not treated by Tsunade- Fox and Cat being two of those numbers- I cannot do that. The available genin would slow you down and the chunin and Jonin are either not in the know or are not equipped to handle such a task. The village needs you, as you're the only one available with the skills- don't give me that bewildered look, you are an accomplished shinobi Mouse. Hiruzen knows it and so do I."

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