chapter 21

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Early next morning, Hikaru's apartment…

A muscled blur barged through the door, intent on showing three young men the meaning of YOUTH. The blur stepped around the colony of cochroaches in the doorway. It carefully avoided the kunai traps.

Odd, my youthful neighbor Naruto never has any traps up; truly, Hikaru is the picture of YOUTH to be so prepared! I must reward him with his very own YOUTH suit.

The blur had avoided all this and more, and was at a cross roads; two rooms opposite of eachother. Which one to open first? Deciding since left was his most youthful new neighbor Deidara who would appreciate being picked first, the blur kicked the door in.

And this his most grievous mistake was made.

Might Guy, esteemed jonin of Konoha, had walked right into a lion's den.

Several hours later…

Naruto stumbled out of bed and towards the kitchen at the smell of tea while wiping bleary eyes away. The blonde had spent the majority of the night before sparing with Ro in the forest of death. Leaping through the infested trees while avoiding bombs, roots, and jutsu was exhilarating, if not exhausting.

"Chibi-kohaiiiii; bring your sempai some coffee would ya?" Hikaru's voice called after Naruto when he reached the door.

"And milk." Angel agreed. Naruto rolled his heavy lidded eyes and put his hand near the handle but stopped; A single cockroach was perched on the knob and bowed to him.

"…Sempai, your roach bowed to me. I am officially going crazy." Naruto said bluntly. Hikaru scoffed in the background.

"Baka, my pets are highly trained; bowing is the least of their abilities. Now, coffee."
"Get it yourself, lazy ass." The young ANBU shot back and flicked the roach away with a finger. "Angel, I'll bring your milk, just stay still and let your ribs heal after that last kick." He added. Angel had improved to the point of fighting genin was child's play, but Tenzo kicked harder than most jonin, much less genin. While at her maximum size she was flung effortlessly thirty feet after meeting the captain's foot.

Ignoring the rustle of unhappy an unhappy Hyuga and roaches, Naruto stepped into the hallway. He smirked when he heard a bed sheet being dragged along, signaling Hikaru was begrudgingly following.

Stepping into the kitchen stopped the pair cold.

There was Deidara sipping on hot chocolate with his pinky sticking out.

Next to him on the ground by the chair was Guy…wrapped in a clay centipede and gagged with his leg warmers.

And he looked positively terrified of Deidara.

"Ah, Fishcake, Roach-teme; come and join me for some morning tea and coco." Deidara said when he noticed the pair and gave them an all too innocent smile.

"B-but" Naruto tried but failed to speak, instead opting to point at the bound jonin.

"Oh, him? Well the fool thought waking me up at four am was a good idea" here kick from Deidara connected with Guy's stomach "and I simply had to show him why that was not, un."

"Hell hath no fury like a kunoichi scorned" Hikaru finally quipped once his voice returned. The Hyuga found himself bound right along Guy before he could blink. Deidara turned towards the last standing member of the living room and asked in a voice that could have frozen a volcano,

"Now, Fishcake; care to join them on the ground or me for some coco?" Naruto gulped.

"I'd love some hot chocolate." The two sat in compensable silence while futile struggles came from below. "Just a quick question though; how did you use your clay animals if I resealed your chakra last night?"

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