Chapter 4- Together alone

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hello my lovelies,

I hope you had a great day today and if not, I promise you there will be better times.

Have fun reading and always remember that you are amazing and enough.

I love you, bye.



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"Who says I am sad?"

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"Who says I am sad?"

"You do." He answers as he lifts his arm and checks the time on his watch, which looks like it could be part of a royal museum.

"Wow... an amazing answer. I know so much more now." I roll my eyes as he gazes at the skyline. No words are lingering between us for a couple of moments and I let out a sigh.

I shouldn't have come here... I should have stayed with the others.

I should have drunk more. So much more that I can barely stand and every move is out of my control.

"Your body language. Your movement. Your face. Your eyes. Your actions... everything about you tells me that you are fucking sad... no need to open your mouth to tell me shit I already know."

I let out a huff as I cross my arms over my chest and look down at him as if by drinking in his features, I can understand his story and every move that led him to be here.

He lifts his gaze to mine and the light of the bulb near us makes me take in the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen. A shade mixed with honey and chocolate that seems so bright, matches perfectly with his light skin and healthy dark brown hair.

He looks so effortlessly beautiful but at the same time as if he was sculpted by the best artists in history. Broad shoulders, plump lips, a sharp jawline, and a tall frame but the tiredness in his eyes couldn't be more obvious even though a grin tugs on the corners of his mouth.

You are not happy either.
You are not gonna fool a person who put a smile on her face after lying on the bathroom floor, begging whoever is up there to take the pain away.

Not with me, pretty boy.

"Mhhm... actions. You have seen me for three seconds and in two of them I was just admiring the sky and you are telling me you know from those short moments I am not happy." I say, trying not to slur out my words.

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