1- Gone

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Liams POV

A cold breeze shivers down my spine as I squish myself more into the smelly green trash bin. Snow slowly falls onto my brown no longer fluffy hair I sneeze once again to my everlasting cold. I've been out here homeless in an ally way for almost a month and I'm sick and tired of it. My mom put me out here for as many reasons she could think of. I lived in a one-story house with her because we were very poor and struggled for money which meant I went to a poor school. And as you probably guessed I got bullied. It was bad bullying I came home with scars and bruises even broken bones it became really bad my mom was very angry that I couldn't even defend myself. It's not my fault really, she didn't feed me!  Along with that I had some issues of not being able to read or barley write because we moved so much that I official started school in 8th grade and I didn't know anything she couldn't afford special education to help me so. She just took me out and here I am now no home, no food, no life until he came.

Cory- It's a snowy Friday night in New York city's auction house I'm currently here helping my sister Meloni find stray littles to help get a new life. I get into my black SUV and my sister hands me supplies for if I need help, I can put them to sleep. (I forgot what it was called😭) I drive around for about 30 minutes until I spot someone in a dark alley way not so hidden in a corner of a trash bin. I pull over to the side open the door and walk towards the small boy when I saw him, we immediately made eye contact and when I tell you he was cute oh boy was he cute. He had pretty little brown locks hanging from in head almost covering his gorgeous shiny green eyes. He had a big red hoodie covering his sleeves with ripped up blue jeans that at the bottom were wet. I was confused but shrugged It off the boy then looked up at me with his teary green eyes.

Liam- "P-peas don't h-hurt me."

Cory- He stuttered that was so cute, but he looks so scared and hurt I felt bad for whatever he went through, so I knew I was going to protect him and help him every way I can. But first I need to get him in the car.

Cory- "Hey... I'm not going to hurt you I'm just here to help, okay? My sister has a very nice place for you It has food, clothes and even a nice comfy bed to get a good sleep.

Liam- The handsome man began telling me about his sister's house. Or I don't know it was something cool, but I didn't know If I could trust him even if he seems nice, I was just scared.

Cory- I could tell he was scared and confused if he wanted to trust me or not, but I had the perfect idea. I grabbed my supplies bag and eventually found a stuffed animal to give him just to add a little more trust. His beautiful green eyes looked like they started to shine as I showed him the brown bear. He immediately took the bear and snuggled with it allowing me too easily pick him up and carry him to my car. I noticed he was a bit to light for a teenager but It's probably because he hasn't had a real meal in a while, so I quickly texted my sister a special delivery was coming so prepare a good meal. I strapped him in his car seat, and he became worried when he noticed he was in my car, so I stroked his hair reassuring him it was okay.

Liam- The handsome man but me in a strange seat but it was comfortable I got a little scared when he put me in his vehicle, he must have noticed. So, he brushed my hair with his soft hands and somehow, I was calm. He started driving away when I felt the need to pee, I tried to ignore it but every time I did it just kept coming back at me. I was too afraid to tell him because he might get mad like my mom would and end up hitting me.

Cory- I noticed the boy became a little distressed and started squirming in his seat. Then I realized he might have to pee, but he needs to learn to speak up because he seems shy, and I want to help that. 

Cory- Baby are you okay? Is there something you need to tell me hm?

Liam- Oh no Hes going to notice I need to go now but I'm so afraid to tell him he seems so scary and mean but nice and calm at the same time. Maybe Hes nice because he just meant me, and he will let me go?? Ugh I'm overthinking to much I might as well let him figure it out and help me because he seems to know already.

Cory- I read his mind going on with a million thoughts and I chuckled at that but since we are almost there, I'll let him go there and change him into a diaper.

Heyy did u guys like it idk if i did this is my first story so give me your thoughts or tips and i might take suggestions but hope u like it!!! <3  (also 933 words if u wanted to know)

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