5- accident and safe

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Cory- The night before I had planned my little boy a doctor's appointment because Hes's way to underweight for his age and it's a very bad for his health. It was 7 in the morning so I knew Liam was going to be very cranky because it's so early I would usually wake him up at 9:30 but I made a morning appointment so we could come home and relax. I walked over to his bedroom and when I walked in, I saw my baby in the corner of the room full sobbing with his blanket covering him up. I ran over to him dropped down to his level I could see the panic in his eyes he must have had a nightmare that triggered him into a full panic. I went to pull him into a hug to comfort him, but he just pushed me away which I wasn't happy about. "Liam, we do not push me away okay you need to tell me what's wrong."

Third person now bc idc  😋(switching a lot with 3rd person and Liam and corys povs)

"I don't want cuddles." Liam said very harshly.

"Okay but can you tell me what's wrong" Cory said trying to be as nice as possible to not scare his poor boy.

Liam was very scared and lost about what to say so he just pointed towards his crib which Cory was confused about.

"Baby can you use your words please." Cory said very confused about the situation they were in.

"N-nightmare 'n s-scared 'n potty" Liam said trying his best not to have panic attack again. "Do you have to go potty baby?" Cory said doing one thing at a time so he could stay calm. But Liam just shook his head

"Did you already go potty" Cory said still trying to figure out his words. Liam just started crying again not saying anything which made Cory realize what happened Liam just had simply peed the bed from a nightmare. "Okay Liam can you be a big boy and walk to the bathroom and get in the bath for me?" Cory said in a calm dominate voice Liam simply just nodded afraid to speak.

Liam slowly got up his cold wet pants sticking to him as he waddled to the bathroom still holding the blanket he slept with. Cory took the chance to get his sheets off the bed and tossed them into the washing machine not turning it on realizing Hes missing Liams blanket. In the bathroom was Liam his clothes on the floor and he was wrapped in his blanket about to fall asleep again.

"Love can you please give me the blanket I need to wash it so it can be very clean" Cory said slowly walking up to Liam in the corner of the tub eyes still puffy from all the crying. Liam just shook his head afraid of being naked Infront of Cory. Cory was very patient with Liam because they still had 2 hours before the doctors, so he went slow with him.

"Just hand me the blanket I won't look I promise" Cory said closing his eyes while having hands out for the blanket hesitantly Liam handing cory the blanket. Cory walked out of the bathroom coming back very quickly for Liams bath. "Baby boy can you get out of the bath please I don't want to overheat it or be too cold" Cory smiled handing his hand out for Liam to grab Liam whimpered as the cold of the bathroom hit his body. Cory quickly got the bath ready for Liam so he wouldn't be so cold waiting.


Cory had left Liam in the tub so he could get used to it and try to have fun. Liam ended up slipping by accident without even noticing because he doesn't really know what it even is. Cory walked back into the bathroom and saw the cutest sight Liam was babbling to the ducks in his bath while splashing putting water all over the bathroom. Although Cory was a bit mad Liam was just too cute to get mad at, so he just watched and cooed at him.

"Liam baby can you put the toys down so I can wash you?" Cory said in a kind voice Liam was hesitant but agreed afraid to get a punishment. Liam stood up slowly and covered himself away from Cory, he didn't want him to see his scars. "Baby no need to hide I won't judge you in any way I promise, okay?" Cory said smiling to let Liam know he didn't care whatever he had.

Cory did a quick job of cleaning Liam and getting him dressed for breakfast and the doctors he decided not to tell Liam afraid of scaring him. Liam was dressed in a pastel yellow shirt with a light blue overall with shorts, a pacifier, bear, blanket, bottle, and a little yellow bow. Liam wanted his outfit to be cute, so he added all of those things to take with him for the trip. Cory was running a bit late, so he quickly changed Liam into a diaper which he threw a bit a tantrum about Liam was on the floor crying while Cory was still getting his diaper bag. "Baby just wear the diaper for now and we can take it off when we get back." Cory said trying to bribe him so he can stop crying. "Promis?" Liam said after wiping his tears still sniffling "Yes baby I promise now come on we have to go." Cory said picking him up off the floor and walking to the car. 

Cory placed Liam in his car seat and handed him everything he needed for the 30 minute trip. "Okay baby boy let me know if you need a change okay ill stop anytime" Cory smiled while Liam nodded fidgeting with the end of his blanket. "Okay baby take a nap the ride is a bit long" Cory said kissing Liam and handing him a bag of gold fish. Liam happily started munching of the goldfish while on his iPad watching paw patrol. Cory looked back 15 minutes later to find his adorable baby boy sound asleep leaning on the window slightly drooling.

1021 words!! How did u guys like this chapter so i was going to post yesterday but i was watching stranger things. It was so sad man RIP eddie </3

How did you guys like stranger things vol 2 comment here!!

Anyways thanks for reading comment tips and suggestions I am also starting 2 new books so I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted this book to be oneshots or make another one with just oneshots??? Comment please byeee <3

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