2- drive

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Cory- There was a severely long line of traffic and we have been sitting here for almost an hour. The boy had fallen asleep after 10 minutes of the ride, so it was peaceful I decided to get out of traffic and get the boy a small snack since we are probably going to be in traffic for a long time. I pulled over into Mac Donalds and unbuckled the tiny boy out of the car seat. He began to stir awake, so I grabbed a pair of colorful keys and gave them to him to keep him awake. The little boy became very interested in them so that gave me the chance to put him in a highchair while I got his snack. I ordered him a small happy meal and a bottle of milk with a few drugs to get him ready for the auction.

Liam- The handsome man placed something Infront of me it looked and smelled nice. He saw the confusion on my face and opened the strange thing and pulled out some apples, fries and a strange cup with a pointy top. The handsome man began to feed me, and I must admit it was very delicious. The handsome man tried to give me the drink, but I had to pee, and I didn't want it to be worse than it already is.

Cory- "Comon bubs just drink a little bit for me yeah?"

Liam- "Nuuuu."

Cory- "Why not?" I said already knowing why he won't drink it I just wanted him to admit his shyness.

Liam- "Full."

Cory-" Alright then I guess we will have to do it my way."

Liam- The handsome man slid his hands under me and picked me up with no effort and walked me to the bathroom. The handsome man putting pressure on my bladder rubbing it in circles which made my need to go way worse. I whined in response, but he just kept going over and over again until.

Cory- I didn't want to do this but I also didn't want him to be hurting just by not telling me something so simple. The little boy then started whining and crying so I knew he was about to go I opened the stall door and placed him on the toilet holding him because I knew he was going to fall in very easily. His entire face was a deep red and I just chucked at that because Hes so cute man. After he was done, I quickly cleaned him up and layed him down to put a fresh diaper on him I grabbed my diaper bag and pulled out all the supplies. I gave him his keys back and he became distracted allowing me to smoothly put the diaper on. I then cleaned up and washed my hands so we could leave I placed him on my hip and walked back to the car handing him his bottle which this time he took and swallowed slowly as his eyes became restless and ready to drop into a deep sleep.

Liam- "Sleep tight baby boy." was the last thing I heard before my nightmares consumed me.

Sorry, this is short I just wanted to get a chapter out I might make another one today. <3

Btw what do u think abt this one anything that needs to be added or removed leave suggestions and tips please <33

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