3- auction

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Cory- I turned into the driveway when my little boy began to stir awake in a huge panic he started hyperventilating and a crying mess. I immediately rushed out of my car and carried him in my arms. 

Cory- shhh shh you're okay baby just breath breath do it with my okay? Breath in.. and out in.. out. 

Cory- He began to breath slowly while I whispered soothing words to him while  I bounced him on my hip as I entered the auction house. When we entered the check in room I sat the boy at the play station but he tightened his grip on my shirt and whispered slightly.

Liam- S-Stay..

Cory- His voice was hoarse from the crying, and he sounded like he was going to cry again so I just kept him on me and bounced him slightly.

Cory- "Don't worry baby boy I'm here."

Cory- I got a huge file about the little boy turns out his name is Liam, and he is 17 years old turning 18 in about 2 months. Liam was sound asleep on my shoulder, and it was about ready to get him dressed for the auction and I could tell it was going to be tuff but I'm always up for a challenge.

Cory- I walked down the hallway of rooms down to Liams little room it had baby blue walls and changing table, white crib, and a little play area in the corner. I sat Liam on the changing table and went to grab comfy clothes for the auction sadly the rules for the auction I couldn't just purchase him right away I had to participate in it. When I came back with Liams clothes he was wide awake and very confused and scared, so I rubbed his stomach to calm him down then handed him his favorite rainbow keys.  He got distracted so that gave me the chance to change him I slid off his old ripped up clothes and tossed them into the trash bin. I then put a diaper on him, and he whined and tried to rip it off.

Cory- "Use your words baby."

Liam- "off"

Cory "No baby boy you need to keep it on so you don't have an accident okay."

Cory- He just whined again so I picked him up and started rocking him slowly, but he just giggled so I guess the drug finally came in. Suddenly the announcement came on and said the auction was about to start so I carried Liam behind the curtain into his chair for when he gets called. Now this was the hard part I had to leave him.

Cory- "Listen to me Liam your going to have to stay here for a little bit while I go do something for you okay? I need you to behave or there will be a punishment.

Liam- "Wheres yous goin?"

Cory- I will be back I promise just to sit tight and play with your toy you'll get to see me soon when u hear your name walk up to the stage and smile alright?"

Liam- "Otay.."

Cory- I quickly ran away before the curtain went up and sat where Liam could easily see me. The littles were called one by one till it finally got to Liam. I noticed the entire time he was squirming in his seat and probably had to pee again and was scared to use his diaper. He even grabbed himself a few times and some people were laughing. 

Third person

The small boy stepped forward to the strange man who sold everyone and was doing a little dance because of how desperate he was. The man began to tell everything about Liam all his secrets and even his little problem which he blushed at. The small boy became very desperate and impatient because of how long this was taking but eventually the man started asking him questions he had no answer to.

____ "So tell them Liam what is your little space age?"

Liam- "U-uh I do not know s-sir?" suddenly my words weren't so slurred, and I became more aware of needing the bathroom and didn't even notice me grabbing myself. So, the man snatched my hand from me and told me to keep my hands down by my side. He was so mean I wanted to cry so bad and just cuddle with handsome man. Since I couldn't answer any of my questions, he pulled my file out which had no information whatsoever. The mean man just started calling out numbers I didn't even know I was just worried about the bathroom and was scared to use my diaper.

Cory- The auction man finally called out numbers after being so confused about Liam. He was still squirming around which kind of made me horny, but I contained myself and focused on calling out my number. No one really said anything, so I just shouted 9 million and everyone went quiet. I smirked at that knowing I won that easily the man then told Liam to get off the stage, but he shook his head and grabbed himself again. The man then dragged Liam off the stage which I was very angry about no one can hurt my baby.

Liam- The mean man dragged my off the stage where you could see cory very angry walking towards us. He handed the man a black bag and the man just threw me at cory causing me to fall on the ground harshly. Cory picked me up and checked me to see if I was okay but no, I still was desperate that was the main reason I was crying.

Cory- "Baby just go your hurting yourself."

Liam- "Nu I no lik dis."

Cory- Liam was definitely hurting himself so I know what I had to do since he wouldn't listen to me.

Cory- "Liam give me your hand"

Liam- "Nu."

Cory- " Liam give me your hand now." I said with more dominance, and he did listen but started crying as I noticed his diaper get heavier and heavier.

Cory- " No don't cry baby you did good okay let's get you changed." After I got Liam changed, I walked out to my car and set him in his car seat and began to drive to his new home.

Oh gosh i dont really like this at all but here yall go took me and hour what do u think though??  leave tips and suggestions!!

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