4- Home

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Cory- My new little boy was fast asleep in the back of the car as we arrived at his new home I got out of my car and unbuckled Liam out of his car seat. I carefully lifted my small boy as he began to stir awake in a fuss. He started whining, crying and swinging his arms at me which had no affect because of how weak he was which made it so adorable.

Cory- "Baby I need you to tell me what's wrong why you are so fussy hm?"

Liam- I was having a nice sleep until cory decided to wake me up I! I was so mad and didn't feel well either. I'm sleepy, hungry, my diaper feels so Un comfy, and I feel like throwing up any minute, so I did what I had to... I cried. I just wanted some food, cuddles, and a new diaper which come to think of it I did have to pee... again but I was too shy to admit it and now Cory is carrying me to his gigantic house.

Cory- Liam suddenly stopped throwing a fit and was lost in his thoughts I patted his bum to get his attention and he suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and began whining again. I sat him on the couch so we could talk because I was going to give him a punishment but its only his first day so that's an exception.

Cory- "Liam baby can you tell me what your so fussy about?"

Liam- "Dis 'n dis 'n dis 'an evry ingle ting" (this and this and every single thing)

Cory- I chuckled at that I guess Liam just needed some rest and a diaper change because I can now smell him from here. " Alright baby boy that's a lot so let's get it done, shall we?" I picked up my little boy and carried him to his new wonderful room I prepared just for him. I sat Liam in the elevator and yes, I have an elevator in my house for only special people like Liam he whined when I sat him down but started squirming around thinking I wouldn't notice his distress earlier in the car. I carried him out of the elevator and instead of going to his room I headed towards the bathroom. I sat Liam on the ground and sat on the floor on his level while he still fidgeted with his finger clearly very scared and confused. But I just smiled at him and waited all I wanted if for him to admit this is my way of getting rid of shyness and it always worked it's just the matter of patientence and trust.

Liam- Cory was just sitting there and staring at me with a smile on his face like nothing was happening! I thought he was going to change my diaper and let me use the bathroom but soon he walked out of the bathroom which I was relieved of, but he left the baby monitor in there which I was so mad about. Since I'm sooo smart I got the chance to grab myself just by looking away from the monitor sadly that only lasted 5 second because Cory had to walk in surprisingly with clothes. He told me to lay down on my back as he began to change me into an elephant onesie with a hood, I had to admit it was really cute. I was very upset he didn't give me diaper because I wanted to use it, so I didn't have to use the toilet. But he just sat back down and went on his phone while I was still here squirming around because of how embarrassed I am.

Cory- I was surprised how long Liam was lasting but I knew he was hurting himself by doing this I just want him to trust me to ask and it'll all be over. He stood there for about another 15 minutes before I heard the sound of liquid dropping to the floor and the sound of sobbing coming from my little boy. I immediately pulled him into a hug comforting him telling him it was okay and how he needs to tell me next time and I'll let him go. I gave Liam a warm bath, a nice meal, and a night bottle to put him to sleep.

Sorry this wasnt detailed and it was kinda short I was rushing to put a chapter out for you guys, but I might start like 2 other stories to keep u occupied while i do this one.

anyways how did u like it? drop some tips and suggestions!!

luv u <3 

769 words <33

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