Chapter 14

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"Two hours. I mean it, Veronica, not a minute later."

I winced at my dad's harsh tone spilling through the phone speaker.

"Not a minute later. Thanks dad!"

I hung up before he could change his mind. It took an insane amount of begging to get him to let me go out. I had told him it was with Reagan. I figured if he knew I was hanging out with the girl I got suspended for he'd be less likely to agree. I had thought about not asking for permission, it wouldn't be the first time I snuck around my parents' back. However, the last thing I needed was to fuel my mother's animosity toward me.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and opened the door to the coffee shop. Kendall went in ahead of me while I stayed back to call my dad. The shop was pretty barren, only a few patrons scattered throughout the seating area. I took a moment to inhale the comforting aroma of freshly ground coffee. I spotted Kendall waiting in line, scanning the menu.

I approached her cautiously. Part of me was still skeptical that this wasn't a dream. She glanced down at me from the corner of her eye, a slight smile tugged at the side of her mouth. I often forgot how much taller than me she was. I was only 5'5", she had to be closer to 5'9" – 5'10".

"See anything good?" I asked.

She pursed her lips as she continued to skim the menu, "I guess. I already knew what I was getting before we got here but I like to look at all my options."

"I see,"

"You know what you're getting?" She asked, still looking at the board.

"whatever their dark roast is."

"You put like, cream or sugar in it, right?"

"Nope, I just drink it black."

"How?!" She asked with a scowl.

"I just think it tastes better that way. Its not watered down." I said casually.

"At that point just drink straight up espresso."

"Nah, it has a different flavor. Not really my cup of coffee." I shrugged.

"Oh god, you do dad jokes." She frowned, "I may have to rethink this."

"Hey now, let's not be hasty. I am you're ride you know!" I reminded her, hoping she wasn't serious.

She responded with a smirk followed by a laugh. A real laugh, not just a giggle. She didn't laugh like that  often and when she did it always seemed forced, shallow, or just plain empty. This one was warm and gentle - inviting almost. It was melodic.

"Relax, Ron. I'm only joking." She smiled.

Something about her tone made my cheeks burn red. If I didn't know better, I'd say it was almost...flirtatious. The way Celeste always spoke to me.

"Right," I breathed, rubbing the back of my neck.

The cashier greeted us as we approached the counter to order. Kendall ordered a peanut butter smoothie which contained zero caffeine. She wasn't kidding when she said she couldn't have any.

"And a large dark roast." She spoke confidently.

"Hey, no you don't have to –"

"Please, it's the least I can do to repay all the things you have done for me." She interrupted me.

I opened my mouth to protest again but the cashier beat me to it, taking her card and swiping it.

"Well, thank you. You didn't need to do that." I said shyly.

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