Chapter 18

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"Like, go bowling right now?" Kendall asked, cocking an eyebrow.

I nodded.

"Aren't you grounded?"

"Technically, yes... But I'm sure I can convince my dad to let me go." I said quickly.

"Does your dad know how grounding works?" She asked with an amused smile.

"Yeah, but I've been spending a lot of time him lately, so he has been pretty lenient with me."

"Alright, if you say so,"

"So that's a yes?"

She thought for a moment before nodding, "yes, I'd love to go bowling."

My heart skipped. Either from excitement of getting extra time with her or from the adorable smile she was giving me.

"I'll go get my ball from my room, why don't you call your dad and let him know." She said pointing at my phone.

"Who would have thought, Kendall Coleman. The responsible one." I laughed lightly.

She rolled her eyes before hopping out of the car and jogging to her apartment door. After she was safely in the building I picked up my phone and pulled up my dad's contacts. I pressed the blue call button and brought the phone to my ear. It rang for a few moments before dad's voice patched through.


"Dad, hey."

"Veronica, where are you? You should have been home ten minutes ago." He said impatiently.

"Sorry, I meant to text you, I gave Kendall a ride home from soccer practice." I apologized quickly.

"It's alright, just let me know next time. are you on your way home then?"

"Uhm.. Actually, I was wondering if we could hang out for a little bit." I said, wincing as I waited for his response.

The phone was silent for a moment.

"Hang out with who?"

"Just Kendall. We want to go bowling." I said quickly.

"You know you are still grounded, right?" he said with a harsh undertone.

"I know, I know. I just, we are starting to become good friends and I'm eager to spend more time with her."

I heard a deep sigh come through the line.

"I am happy you are getting along with her, I know how much that meant to you. And you have been more honest lately... you can hang out for a couple of hours. But be home by eight. It is a school night."

"I will, dad, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said gratefully.

"Have fun, Love you."

"Love you too!" I said, hanging up the phone.

Kendall rejoined me in the car as I put my phone down.

"Did you convince him?" she asked as she put her ball bag in the backseat.

"He said yes!" I beamed.

I didn't want to seem so enthusiastic about hanging out with her, but I couldn't help it. I was craving time with her – a little more than I would like to admit. Part of me was starting to worry that I cared for her far more than she would ever care about me.

I shrugged the idea out of my head as I pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the bowling alley.

As I drove Kendall started messing with the radio, looking for a station. I thought back to when she was drunk, trying to find the right song. I couldn't help but laugh at the memory.

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